Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Ok bye

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you saying that doesnā€™t make my posts magically wolfy

im wolfy

Are you actually

Yes. Thatā€™s what I wrote: ā€œunless it has to do with Kiirumaā€™s gladiator abilityā€

Arctic used teleport

im not dignifying your question with a response

the paranoia is annoying enough

please let me make openwolf jokes in peace

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idk anymore

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maybe my reads are just trash and im wrong and idk anymore im doubting everything


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@Arctic @Litten

pretend im not in this gladiate

who do you vote between nappy and kiiru

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Can someone please make me sleep.
Iā€™ve been trying to for hours but my body keeps telling me ā€˜check thread, make sure everything is okā€™
I havenā€™t slept for over 3 days and now Iā€™m struggling. I need it so badly. :sob:

you havenā€™t slept for three fucking days?

have you explained why already? or can you do so now

i cant remember

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nothing is ok regardless of you being here or not go to sleep

I explained previously but one of the reasons is how they did a heel turn on your slot; they said you were townie and then did a heel turn when it became apparent that everyone else itt did not think tbis. Kiiruma has also acted townie during the gladiate stuff

Look, itā€™s not just game things but game things havenā€™t helped.
Iā€™ve felt so much pressure this game to do things at the right time and now that Iā€™m here I cannot sleep no matter how much I want to.

Iā€™ve been dealing with a lot of other stressors too

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i do think this was kinda mrrrr as well yeah

point out some of it to me?

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Posts like these are the reason I find his slot townie for how he treated the gladiate, I could be getting tricked by the Kiiruma ATE special but I feel his frustration in all his posts and it feels real