Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

You think I’m pocketing you by trying to brutally murder you

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I don’t see how your recent posts look like brutal murdering

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You’re not allowed in this convo, mr ranch dressing

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gth i guess you, but dude ive barely read day 4 take it with a grain of salt


My recent posts are trying to understand his thought process

Earlier when I voted him and continued to push him I was indeed in brutal murder mode

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Shortnite 2 when you and conroy successfully deflected a conversation away from suspicion on wolves by talking about ranch dressing

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I know it might not sound like it makes sense but seriously think from my perspective of an already claimed person towards a person who’s generally townie, experienced and just… didn’t see my claim?

It made me go into a ‘What if Chloe is V? I need to hurry’
Then ‘What if Chloe is trying to do this to make me think this. Aaaaah’
‘I cannot risk this because there’s always a chance that it ends the game’
‘Fuck it I need to do it now’

how is that relevant to the game at all


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idk kind of?
i liked them less than kiiruma and mistyx
my thought process when saying this was that kanave was the only one out of the PoE that i didn’t care too much about dying

Do you plan on reading D4

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so like

did you try to solve their slot or did you read their posts

Also this back and forth in my head was another reason I picked you Chloe because I hate to say it but I don’t want to have to resolve this myself as all it does is make my head like a fucking metronome

can you reword this because this sentence doesn’t make sense because you added words that muddy the meaning

yes i skimmed their iso

i wanted to solve their slot but i think i didnt actually try to solve their slot

what were you doing that day

if one of them is a wolf i think they are trying to tie our alignments together, which makes sense if you are a wolf and they are trying to tie you to town me

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also kiiruma is being villagery

okay that makes more sense