Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Aawake at Night

Skimmed up and it seems like a lot of things just stopped happening as soon as I left
Kii stopped getting pressure instantly, hmm?
From what I can see Zone and Agent were the other two on him, so a minor amount of suspicion on both of them because they could’ve been just trying to hop on an early wagon without pushing it themselves.

I’m shielding Mist for today because their snapvote on me very early on for

im very surprised that nobody else commented on it tbh
“arctic did a scummy thing so he’s town”

Leaving Jarek alone for the moment because
AT is tonally terrible and is also doing nothing but I absolutely don’t remember anything about their play so I’ll defer to others on this for now
Agent is looking pretty bad overall imo and it seems like they’re trying to force people to not read them by being overaggressive
Shark is… idek tbh
like a lot of what they’re doing seems semi-bad but theyre new to fm and i just wanna
im also not reading whatever botc game is being referenced because thats too much effort and fuck you
voodoo feels wrong
like i dont know how else to explain it but what hes doing doesnt feel connected with thread in any way, shape, or form
its like someone preprogrammed a macro to just spit shit out at random times
for example
the unvote on mist makes very little sense because mist hadnt done much in recently or really in between their vote and unvote

Aawake at Night

YouTube Music

/vote VooDooSh @Host_Account_1





Shark…? idek





@Wazza post more
you have six posts
@GamblingAddict the game’s started, post. I don’t feel like dealing with inactives for the third game in a row.
@Magnus just. get the fuck over here, dude.
@Kanave danganronping ping ping the game has started, we’re like 13 hours in, and you havent posted. do stuff.

@Kiiruma i gave you space and time and you haven’t given me much in terms of improvement, so it’s starting to feel like that might not have been the problem.

I dislike that a lot of people are avoiding reading me, as well. Iirc, reading up, Zone was the only person to put me in a readlist

I think the most worrying part about this is that not only am I reasonably easy to read, I was the start of the first large push of the game and interacted with a good five to seven people… and one of them gave a read on me.

dead game :pensive:
i disappear again

Lol, is it not considered normal to read people?
Get out of here.
/vote Aelin @Host_Account_1

As you should.

Kinda been sleeping.

Blatant strawman
Go look at Mist’s posts (because I know you haven’t) and realize just how terrible your progression is lol

and you chose to get up at 3:26 AM?

Voodoo, if you want to try and convince me to change my read, quote exactly what made you change your read on Mistyx. Go as in-depth as you possibly can. Otherwise, just die quietly lol

My body is a mystery. Though I’m not an American.
I wanna sleep more but while I woke up I came in here just to set that straight, smh.

From your previous thing you had 4 people who haven’t posted too much.
Also I’m kinda interested.

Do you think myself and Agent have just been doing theatre? (Since you have us both as W)
Or do you think that like we’re planning on pushing each other to oblivion and there’s some sort of hidden benefit?

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Ye I pinged em (I assume that’s what you’re talking about)
I’m kinda done with inactivity on this site tbh
Burn it with fire, as well as a reminder that this game has an upped minimum post count
Good question. No clue tbh, and honestly I really don’t care. I’ll make individual reads before trying to do association reads because the latter is how I get the most confbiased.

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Alright I guess, seems fair.
I still highly dislike how Agent was towards me in thread.
And I’m starting to think they’re someone new instead of being Atlas like myself and Arctic thought.
Because they’ve said some things which just don’t sound like someone who knows FM would say

E.g. ‘You’re trying to have it so they pocket you’
And their nonchalant reaction to me basically being like ‘Either stop imploding if you are good or you seem to be pushing me in bad faith combined with your narrowmindedness’ was ‘K’ in the end

I don’t understand what they’re doing.

eh this was a terrible post iirc so ill have to go back and reread the interaction
overall they seem to be overly aggressive and hyperfixing and jumping on wagons without doing any pushing of them themselves
… thinking of it, they did this with my vote on you. :thinking:
I’ll have to think more about this

@Kiiruma I offer you a deal.
You get:
Reduced pressure and stress.
I get:
Your vote on VooDooSh.

@Litten when you wake up, I want your full thoughts on ATN. Reasoning given with vote feels weird when it has both you and Arctic on it, which means that two topposters are on a 23-poster.

I’ll be perfectly honest, I think VooDooSh has been trying to actively be the people pleaser and do things which people find agreeable. And since I don’t know them, I’m feeling like I need to act like they’re Leafia.

For now, I’ll just treat them the same. I’d usually say ‘I’ll keep an eye on Leafia but they’re falling into their kindly aunt thing…’ so for now I’m not taking your deal, I need to read them as a whole before jumping on.

Why isn’t there a stance being taken here? Right now, you’re not voting. At the very least, vote to apply pressure. You say you think I’m towny, although you’re free to change your mind, so your objective here should be to give me more info.

So, in fact, I insist. Either vote him or townread him.