Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

lol. I could catch Litten if I did pay a more attention to how treated my slot instead of being lazy but oh well, its just a game. Altho I’m still trying to figure what works best for me.

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D1 was operation kill shark while I stand around and do nothing


to be fair i don’t think i’ve ever seen him vote on a main wagon regardless of alignment
he consistently AFK’s his vote


And that should be a red flag in of itself

Kiiruma was a pretty active slot, why are they not pushing this slot, why are they not voting anyone by the time EoD comes around, why are you actely not voting for slots that you wolf read.

in RWBY i used all of these reasons to push them and they were town

i legitimately think the only way to read him is by what he TMI’s, and even then it’s difficult to distinguish him having TMI and just having whack reads because he likes to do that too


you see

VCA is like a can opener

you use it to open up discussion of vote placement, and of why these votes are there in the first place.

you look back and see, how they look after people flipped village, and see who hasnt flipped yet, and where the votes are placed

Example again on that first EOD 1 VC

Zone was the last vote that condemned the villager, Shark, to his death

everyone else on his wagon was a wolf read and all flipped green.

Guess who was the last person to vote on the slot, and condemed to die

Zone. So, why was town read instead of wolf read, why is zone the LAST vote on that wagon, why did he vote shark in the first place

This is why its a can opener, it opens discussion on slots, how their action match what they say, and why from their perspective did they vote this slot, at this time and for what reason.


That is understandable but

Still is a bit of a red flag non theless.


take notice how Mist and Litten were never on the same wagon even once

Litten was on the main wagon mainly, while mist was on the counterwagon

thats what wolves do

if someone flipped town, there is a wolf on both wagons, you just gotta sniff them out.

this was basically all i got from vca
it’s hard to say anything concrete without wolf flips though

even if you dont have wolf flips

it still gives you info

you even said it yourself, Zone looked bad from VCA

His actions did not match his words/behaviour

You have to question why is that, because his actions and what he is saying do not match

i think the approach “Actions speak louder than words” is appropriate in this situation


Macro game means thinking about game as a whole, rather than focusing on post-by-post.
I know, it’s hard, considering how this forum works (basicly like chat, hence micro is the main used strategy).

That basicly means analysing general progression from the player.
Going back and analyzing voting paterns. Who they were helping in which situation and if whole PROGRESSION of read makes sense.
Macro games also means future planning, so all the gambits usually fall into this category.

I’m gonna tell you to read first 3 player types as described by this article - Types of players in Mafia

Just first 3. This is a english speaking russian game style club, which I’m usually refering to when I try to explain different aproaches of people to the game.

Like for example, all my recent games are strategist more or less. Planning 3 steps ahead, just to strike when the time is right.
Or not strike at all if it’s not useful.

That’s why some of my games as town I’m known of not doing much in the early game and then changing the game outcome singlehandidly. That’s marco level playing.

And it’s not like I’m any good in it, it’s mostly that this site has too much micro (Logician per side definition) players, that most of a time I need to adjust to psychologist or strategist.

Same, if you scroll down to roles in a game.
This site has too many leaders. Not enough instigators. Not enoguh followers. And one too few bombers.

Like our game style is very monotonic and focused on trying to get own opinion through.
But that’s not even necessary?
I mean, it is if you play in mafia championship and want to have thread control in each situation and be seen as strong leader, who needs to be voted as a champion.

But that’s about it.

Anyway, refer to the article to more or less understand the differences.


i appreciate your wisdom
arigato sensei

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again as i stated

Litten and misty looked decent from VCA, outside of a couple things (Misty being on the same wagon on wazza, why is misty always on the counter wagon in all 3 VCA’s?, Litten being the last vote on ATno at EoD2, felt oppurtunistic and sealed ATno to die)

because you guys kept killing villagery people

(mostly joking)

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I mean Litten was by far the most obvious considering his whole “do you want to be in L-1” basically TMIed some sort of early hammer. If there was a better opportunity to kill Litten, it was day 3. That being said, Arctic I wonder why you never questioned the fact I shot Aelin when I had Wazza as a hard scumread and I could’ve picked Kanave to clear POE?


here is the thing with VCA

i would never fucking turn to it day 2 or day 3, espically if no wolves flipped outside of a few certain scenarios, like a green/red check on someone, which allows you to actually analyze VC’s

but when you are in day 4 or mylo/lylo, and you have have the list flipped, VCA can become a powerful tool, as it allows you to actually worldbuild, and look at how the game progress on a macro level, why these people are on these slots.

i assumed your other was wazza, and aelin was a poe choice

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Its what i stated about Litten

its the only real bad thing about his vca, his the vote position, and reasons to vote you

same with zone on sharklifter, but it looks even worse for zone, cause everyone who was on that wagon was town, yet Zone was the last vote to condemn the slot to die there.

I’m pretty sure I rarely expressed any sort of read towards Aelin except for maybe that one time I responded to his push and also Kanave was a better poe choice considering I always felt a bit unsure due to pocket paranoia (I was right about a wolf townreading me since it was Kiiruma). Then again, it would be me for not making thing clear enough.