Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

@ATNoName did it explain more or less what you wanted to know?
If you have any more questions, ask ahead.

I really wish there was more players playing something different than post-by-post on this site.

yeah it did mostly because I forgot what long-term planning/analysis is which is something I had done before altho not very like 2-3 days worth of planning.

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I hope my explanations and analysis help you with your future endeavors with VCA and macro reading for town games in the future.

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and now

we wait for the chair of deception to open up

@Litten btw when you asked me to explain what happened when i mentioned the 1984, basically gghana just started talking in the thread because he thought it was the signup thread lmao

I had read like 200 posts of the game

No thanks


Would rather not potentially cause an instaloss

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Pain… One day, I will try to use it…
“Some day…” (If I can remember.)

Do we even have people who work with VCA? At the end, I felt like nobody was doing anything other than chat and jabbing each other, so I felt demotivated to literally do anything.

Yes, but I thought this was heavily disliked after what happened to OMGUS voter?
…oh. Wait.
…I see what you mean.
Well, IIRC FK did complain about where the investigatives were, before Arctic said that town had a protective in the form of Agent’s role.

Yeah, that did feel weird. I thought Kiiruma was scolded by FK for this in scumchat, but instead of mech reasoning, Kiiruma got scumread for his tone. …too bad Aelin was dead by this point.

In all fairness, I believe that not many of us (incl. scum) who were alive by the time Chloe arrived (i.e. D4 gang) had enough experience with mech analysis to understand this logic. At the very least: I don’t see it immediately, and even after reading it now, I think it would’ve been a stretch to use this as a proper argument to sus a wolf within Chloe/FK. (Then again, I probably would’ve used even dumber arguments.)

Heh. Yep. By the time D3 happened, I could’ve opted to hammer Kanave, except there was no reason for me to suddenly vote her, and I didn’t want to get suspected for voting last.
(Despite FK somehow not getting suspected for that after EOD2…)


looking back at SCP aswell

vca looks really bad for you

Your a great wolf on a micro level, but your macro level still needs some work

But you played well in both games regardless, still some area to imrpove

also yeah

FK got away with it again this game

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…ya, good thing this didn’t happen by D3 because by that time I legitimately don’t remember a single thing that happened at D1. (Sorry Shark. You were forgotten.)

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cfd kiiruma

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I don’t think anyone else was going to do this tbh.

Call it risky, but a strong action had to be taken.
By anyone. Not necrsarily you.


speaking of instantly losing,



i blame orange


dont we all


government silenced me

this is the one chloe post im not liking


The year is 1878. I was born to an aristocratic family that controlled a few farming villages in the southwestern english countryside. I was dropped on my head as an infant. Multiple times, by my nanny who it turns out had ties to the socialist party. Because of that I dont speak words no good. When I was a young lad my mother sent me to a boarding school called Fiona’s Home of the Less Fortunate. Abbreviated to Fol, it was a school that would cater to my slowness. Each day we would perform exercises that would prepare us for a life at whatever court we chose to spend our time, since our families would likely not trust us with land, and the girls would likely be married off before they could get any. I did terrible, both at home court and at an enemy court. I would barely pay attention to my lessons because I could feel the burn of the stares of my compatriots. My mind told me that they werent real, but my soul ached. I only wanted one thing. To sleep. But I couldnt! I was forced to do these exercises every day and every night, feeling my soul atrophying with each one.

Until I hatched a plan.

I burned down the goddamn school. Burned it to the ground.

Nobody knew it was me of course, they all thought I was too thick to ever do such a thing. Little did they know that I was studying the wisdom of Japanese elders. And I learned that true strength comes from within.

They built another school. But they were beneath me now. I saw the children come in and out. And I felt so superior to them. They would never be clever. I knew this because if they were they would burn it down again.

Even though I’ve admitted to this heinous deed I know I will never face consequences