Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Setup .


I would argue that it’s not a way to play modposter orginally.

You want rather to lead the town attention somewhere.
Share finds and opinions without making yourself a target.

Still not most impactful role.
But then whole “A message appears” wouldn’t be a problem.

What you think about is bastard modposter, which fakes the mod messages.
That role happens rarely to begin with.


Spicey Dungeons FM

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I might suggest that this is decent but must be adjusted for the general town PR strength.
the general consensus is that 12v3 mountainous is okay but bland as a setup, while 10v5 mountainous is flat-out awful to play.
On the other hand, a 12v3 with a town cop, vig, and jailkeeper is similarly flat-out awful to play in the other direction, while a 10v5 with those roles might perhaps be acceptable.
I don’t think that 10v4s are bad at all. But with only a vengeful and a bulletproof (in a closed setup where they cant be considered ICs either) in town’s arsenal of mechanical roles, I believe that it’s undeniably wolfsided compared to a the majority of setups considred to be “standard” in mafia.

that’s what i believe osie was describing (or at least its intended use).

I agree with your way of playing modposter and I like the inclusion of it as a role, I just don’t really think it’s enough utility to the town to counteract the general lack of mechanical utility town had to counteract the wolf numbers

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As I said, depends on the host in addition to the content of the announcement.

I’m down to agree to disagree on this one.

Maybe. That said, there’s a lot to be said about what site, what players, and so on. Would it be wolfsided every time on FoL? Maybe. Maybe not, tbh; there’s a lot of room for variance. Assuming that a 15p mostly vanilla setup will always go the way is… quite the assumption. Not to mention that if anything, the modposter being less impactful on town helps to balance due to reducing swing.

And outside of the doublevoter, Mafia had a ton of utility that affected the game behaviourally? No. I think you’re firmly in the territory of forgetting that mafia is, fundamentally at its core, a game of behavioural analysis. It’s easy to slip into blaming the roles, but like, do you want to see 12/3 mountainous? Because that’s way less balanced than this was. I think there’s an argument that town could have used one more relatively low-powered PR, and I vaguely recall that Eli and I discussed that possibility back on the old site. But, like, there’s plenty of balanced 12/4, 11/4, and even 10/4 setups. Saying 11/4 is aggressively wolf-sided is just hyperbole.

Yes, and that’s why it’s a range and not a set number, like the T=3M+1 which is commonly declared to be ideal for Mountainous.

Fundamentally, there’s an argument that nobody has made of wolves having a higher role density, but the idea that the setup was intrinsically broken since town wasn’t terrifying is ludicrous. I’d agree if we’d actually hit 10/5, but there’s just too much variance at this density.

I sorta want to handwave this as “y’all just not used to behavioural analysis, git gud” but I recognize that’s reductive and unfair. At the same time, I think that resorting to hyperbole about the setup and minimizing the actual play of the players in a game is all too common and mostly just keeps people from reflecting on their play and growing as players.

it would be d3 lylo with mafia doublevoter

so two days to get mafia

this is what it was at end of review as far as I’m aware

‘wolves played better and deserved to win’ and ‘the setup was wolfsided’ are things that can simultaneously be true

I don’t think anyone is disputing the first point :wowee:


yeah i agree the setup was totally playable
but its also probably not what the players are used to and/or expecting in terms of balance

10v3 mountainous, wolves must get 4 townies out of 10 eliminated to win (40%)
11v4 with a town vengeful / bulletproof, wolves must get 4-5 townies out of 11 eliminated to win (~40%)
12v3 joat^2, wolves must get 5 townies out of 10 (joat is approx equal to ic in utility) eliminated to win (50%)

is this a perfect metric? obviously not
you can argue all day about what the ideal number should be, and none of the three are outlandishly high or low
i just think that 40% number is outside the bounds of what people usually expect when they sign up for a closed game on this site

you can also look at these number of required ml’s in reference to the sizes of the wolfteams, for the purposes of evaluating items like thread control and quickhammer blitzing’s factors in snowball wins

10v3 mountainous: 4 required MLs (133%)
11v4 dicey dungeons: 4-5 required MLs (113%)
12v3 joat^2, 5 required MLs (167%)

again, these statistics don’t suggest anything overwhelming about the setup’s balance: just that it consistently scores somewhat wolfsided against other setups people consider traditionally balanced.

This depends on what happens and how many wolves died
Minimum was 2, max is like 6

Wolves needed 4-5 villagers to be killed by the town (executions or the vengeful) in order to win the game
the max is technically 7 if wolves attack the bulletproof every night from night 1 through night 5 but im assuming that they… dont?
Anyways, MLs refers specifically to villagers: the variability comes from 1. whether vengeful endgames and 2. whether wolves ever hit bulletproof. Besides those two factors, wolf kp is matched perfectly in number to village kp so the number of MLs that wolves need to win is fixed, regardless of how many wolves die.

in this case, starting 11v4, 3 MLs gets you to a 5v4 LyLo (assuming ofc that doublevoter is disabled in xylo like osie did)
both a vengeful and buletproof proc turns one of those wolf kills into a village-controlled kill, giving you potentially a 5v4 LyLo with 4 MLs
In either case, wolves still need a single ML to clinch the game, and that’s how I get 4-5 MLs

eevee had to disable it but whatever

3 is possible for evils to win game d3, with no Bulletproof or vengeful being used

Let’s remove the randomness (something which mostly townsides in this setup, but w/e) and strengthen all of the roles, bringing the game back to full swing of a normal mafia game.

1x Town Doctor
1x Town 1S-Vigilante
1x Town Messenger
1x Town Fruit Vendor
7x Town Vanilla
1x Mafia Type Guesser → Neighbouriser
1x Mafia 1S-2T-Gladiator
1x Mafia Twilight-Extra-Vote
1x Mafia Vanilla

That setup is roughly balanced, tbh. It might not be everyone’s favourite style, but the worst offenders are kept from being overly swingy. Adding the randomness back in is a pretty big nerf on both sides, but if anything it hurts Mafia SO MUCH more than Town. Think back to “Geyde’s core rules of mafia design”:

Screen Shot 2022-01-06 at 8.42.12 PM


Again, not a comment anyone brought up about this setup, but the synergy on the mafia roles is, well, odd. Gladiator assists Doublevoter in having weight. The Coppy-Cat assists Gladiator and Doublevoter in choosing targets. While those can be significant, in this setup that was the core of Mafia synergy. Fundamentally, the only mafia role which could arguably be considered to be very strong is the doublevoter. The town not having such synergy is a relevant distinction, but that actually encourages behavioural analysis, which is good design. There’s an argument that there is less agency on the town roles than ideal, but that’s not “these roles are weak” so much as “these roles are restricted.”

Players tend to undervalue the difference that claims make in a game. I’ve done it, you seem to be doing it, and it’ll continue to happen.

It’s really actually relatively difficult to make a setup that is less than half PRs within the 20-33% range of anti-scum that is fundamentally flat out broken. -EV for town? Sure. But the game is a pile of randomization, has very light mafia synergy and much lowered mafia control over the game, and has 2 low-floor, 2 medium-floor, 4 high-ceiling town roles versus 2 low-floor, 1 medium-floor, 1 medium-ceiling, 2 high-ceiling mafia roles in terms of potential effect on the game. And killing town’s PRs is generally not hugely impactful to mafia here.

It’s telling that a bunch of people with a wide-angle view agreed on the game being better controlled by scum, particularly litten, than by town. I could tell that from first glance at the comments about the game before I’d even read anything of the actual analysis and back-and-forth.

It speaks volumes to the fact that fundamentally, this game was decided on behaviour, and saying “The setup is broken” might as well be saying “Fuck Litten, their play is meaningless.” It’s extremely short-sighted.


And? That’s within bounds of what the designer was looking to make. One thing that I’ve regularly asked designers is how early they’re comfortable with the game ending. I have yet to see a game designer who felt uncomfortable with the game ending during R3 for any game of a size less than 18 players.

this is an absurd strawman, I and basically everyone saying the setup is unbalanced are saying that the wolves (litten included) played well.

NOBODY is saying “Fuck Litten”. gtfo with putting these words in peoples mouths cuz u cant take criticism

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