Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Regardless of what we think about Jarek, it doesn’t really make sense to suspect him now because there is no way we are hanging him today after he claimed a power role right? So discussing him right now feels a bit pointless.

you were asking about aelin not jarek

He’s talking about Jarek even though we thought he is talking about Aelin. I don’t know where the mixup is from either.

o wait, I’m fucking stupid.

I think AT being mafia would make Aelin and Jarek not mafia (and wise versa) for obvious reasons.

uhh I guess… I haven’t read much about Aelin so /shrug.

Actually on a whole, who here scumreads shark and why? Not just Arctic.

Similarly, if you town read him - why?

I’m asking this because most reasons about reading Shark I don’t really agree with, it seems similar to how Atlas got executed in the last game I was in because most of the wolves gave “bogus reasoning”and I just accepted that town was just being lolvillage instead of actually questioning the people on the wagon more in depth. Wind was probably easily catchable if they were actually questioned about the wagon because their reasoning sucked


  1. hedging of reads comes across as the justification a newb wolf will use because they are scared that they will be scumread for having wrong reads (like pushing villagers, their aelin read is a good example of this) which is indicative of a guilty conscience
  1. doesn’t seem annoyed by the fact i repeatedly call them a wolf which is not what i would expect from newb town. when i was a newer wolf i never got annoyed by people calling me a wolf and never bothered to pretend i was annoyed

  2. this is a really terrible read but shark enjoying the game is not what i’d expect from a newb town who has no idea what to do and is being repeatedly called mafia by the loudest player in the game

his responses to my pressure just feel disconnected from the weight of them

it’s like he doesn’t really acknowledge the implications of me pushing him
he calls aelin for repeatedly pressuring two people he townreads, but he townreads me while i’m repeatedly pressuring him (someone he knows to be town) and he hasn’t explained what makes aelin’s push wolfy compared to mine

I haven’t actually read this reasoning, will go read their posts again and try to find this

/vote Sharklifter @Host_Account_1
I’m convinced.

my god read is that voodoo is town because he has employed the first strategy I have ever used in a fm game- making a list of people who the mafia are in

this is somewhat of a joke but it’s kind of eerie how he seemed similar to my first game in fm but more reasonable and logical

@Litten this was probably the best example of that

the entire bolded part looks like the sort of thing a newb wolf will include as a pre-apology sort of thing when they know they are pushing on a villager and think that it will look bad

I thought that’s a common strategy.
We do it all the time in video mafia.

also, look over that entire interaction with aelin

it doesn’t feel like sharklifter is talking to someone they think is mafia

it looks like sharklifter is talking to a villager who they feel like they have to call mafia and feel bad about it (hence the hedge)

imagine pulling a god read to say voodoo town?

laughs in putting voodoo town

and if you want to ask why I haven’t outted that, I have no need to.

That’s relieving. Thank you.

But my brain is a bit tired right now so I will take a break.
I’ll keep reading but I’ll respond less.

Who told you this?

discord server and in general from my experience in SD games also dictates that