Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

look at wazza’s opening in scp compared to sorc17

it’s incredibly different, and her investment/tone in this game so far is much more like scp

which makes sense since she prefers playing mafia
so gth she’s probably town but i would still appreciate if she played the game

Walter White I Give Up GIF by Breaking Bad

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since you keep liking my posts instead of doing anything, may i ask what are you trying to achieve this game atno?

you haven’t made yourself readable, and you’re voting a 9 poster who has no intention of playing the game while throwing out cryptic statements left and right

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there arent any jesters in this game so you arent going about that very well

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Nothing says there isn’t any mafia jesters

how would that work with the dice thing

Not all abilities have to be dice rolls

by irritation

i was going to say i want to have faith in eli but after stellaris federations im not so sure

I joined the game because I like the flavour

I’ve not played the game because I have more important things to do irl for the time being, I might restart playing soon but rn I’ve been doing irl things


Also I’m on phone rn so I’m not going to be doing anything either, phone discourse sucks

acceptable i guess

/vote Arctic @Host_Account_1

i would ask why but you would probably give me some dumb cryptic answer

kinda fair

mafia transfers to botc, botc doesn’t transfer to mafia… nearly at all


Im gonna ask because Im terrible at reading personality, but what did you think of Arctics playstyle in general.

It’s not exactly a townread, but I think that his posts prior to P#988 (the post I am quoting right now) were pure. Although we have differing opinions and excel at different methods to read others, his general composure and tone is… composed.

I do want to hear more from him before anything.
…from what I see, it appears that he has not responded to my posts yet.
@VooDooSh, could you please respond to the latter half of P#926 and the last part of P#971?
(Never mind about P#971, apparently you unintentionally covered that in P#1139.)

Wait, how does this imply that VooDoo is towny?
It implies he is composed, but I don’t see how his response is particularly towny.

Erm… I can read the sentences, but I am having a hard time understanding what they mean.
Could you elaborate further on this, and give an example?

Okay. Never mind what I said about you covering P#971 in this post. The discrepancy remains.
I will ask you again: What did you think Aelin said in P#849?
What made you post “is it not considered normal to read people” in P#855?

Hold it! I disagree with your read, specifically about “I think mafia would be trying to please the consensus a little bit more”. I don’t know Mistyx’s meta well enough, but I know for certain that there are people in this site who do FPS (Fancy Play Style) as wolf and still get away with it.
*looks at Litten and VCFM* :eyes:

Maybe I am using a bad example (since I already forgot the details of VCFM), but my point is: "This site has some darn good players who can -and probably will- break your common sense of “how mafias should behave”.

…? Shark, who do you think Aelin is pushing aside from VooDoo?