Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Well anyway the big wall of text was the first thing I actually put some thought into

It’s probably the only thing I’m going to put thought into for the rest of this day

Use that information as you will

lol true

I guess that’s why I’m dying :skull:

don’t care too big not reading voted

It probably looked evil to have someone go “he mafia” and then respond with a text document as to why that was false

also kii
is the only reason for you thinking I’m stupid is because I refuse to back down against you

I’m sure someone can twist that into me having a guilty conscience and not wanting to die as a mafia in my first game yada yada oh my god he’s trying to defend himself instead of being happy to die or just being neutral about being sussed get him guys

Back down as in “refuse to townread”

I would still vote myself if I could but this game doesn’t let you bus yourself it’s so sad.


Though for real I do get it, I’d rather not a newbie dying D1 and istg if I die d1 again I’m gonna mald

You seemed pretty upset about it last game. That’s my problem with it happening this game.

@Kiiruma pinging you for when you wake up

I was 100% upset about it and that’s why I didn’t feel like I was needed in the game or to play anymore lol

And even in this if I die just feels like wasted effort considering I’ve been told your reads don’t matter, lol!

In the world where you are evil (again) you will have died before you got to do anything fun (again) and then felt stupid and/or felt like you lost it for your own team.

I know it makes me look evil to defend you ESPECIALLY if you are but I really couldn’t care less. If we both get voted out early then my stake in this thread will be nil and I can literally just favourite the tab and check back in, what, a week, when it’s done and I get told who won

Believe me I’d die D1 over you just so you actually get to play a night phase without instantly being dead lol

Yeah it was pretty obvious unfortunately.

we could make a religion out of this: kill shark d1

At least you didn’t have a 2/4 and spent your whole game gathering reads to have one person say one thing after you flip

what’s a 2/4

It’s the primary reason I’m not voting you too, though it’d be way easier to just bandwagon the vote and conform with everyone else so I don’t have to spend the entire game defending my actions

Which I’m going to have to do because I’m defending the person nobody wants alive