Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Kanave also was eager to jump on Jarek when given the chance

The only real thing I have on shark is his behavior is similar to him being mafia

Which is why he hasn’t gone any farther than a nullscum for me

that’s probably just it tbh
/vote kavana

That game was BOTC

You have information d1 and claim gathering rather than socially reading people (the fucks an itherst(

this is where you sheep me for a free win

Fair enough, actually.

Personally not enough for me to want to vote him out D1, especially after how last game went. BUT I can understand why others who were not there would vote on him.

Social does still apply a little, since they’re similar ish games, but it being botc makes me not want to push it

You know what? This sounds right. I might just

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/vote Kanave @Host_Account_1

Plus I’m genuinely interested in what I’m doing similar is evil from last game, I personally think it’s way different hey ho turns out my reads are the worst here

Read when you were scumread then and compare it to now
You’d likely see some similarities


@Host_Account_1 most recent vote

I was voting to see how he would react to some more pressure, and it’s uhh… not been great as you’ve seen

tbf I claimed lunatic

and I was generally fine with the vote cause obvious exe

It was still similar ish
I doubt your fine dying now though

This is the nearly the exact thought that led me to voting them
“This sounds right”

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Well I thought I said something stupid in the massive paragraph I wrote.

I didn’t proof read it.

at all.

I was kind of hoping the paragraph I wrote would make people go “oh he’s good after all” which is why it threw me off so much to see a vote on me right after it too :sob:

I guess it doesn’t work like that around here