Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

it’s literally correct though

You would say that if it got you off the towns deathwagon though.

Why do you think I’m trying to self-pres? I’ve literally accepted death since EoD yesterday

Do you expect me to believe anyone, wolf or town, is just going to lie down and accept death if there’s even a tiny chance to push the blame onto someone else as “someone who should die first”

I was told on the first day that as a town I should not be accepting death because I am town and I know that, I should be fighting for my corner every step of the way. You should be doing the same.

That Simply becomes less true as the game goes on. If I survive and someone else gets misexe’d, then Imma be alive at LYLO with no trust on me. That’s a lost game state. I only want someone else to be exe’d if I can be 100% sure they’re scum, cause otherwise I’m pretty sure we lose the game.
Unless people are willing to just like, leave me alive all game I’d rather die now than at LYLO

Funnily enough this is my exact logic and makes me think you might just be a townie after all, but it doesn’t matter what I think as I somehow manage to make everything I say seem evil to people.

I currently do not believe VooDoosh’s claim at all and if it boils down to me or him, he’s dying not me. Believe me or don’t, I don’t care because either I end up dead today and flip town and solidify Vodoosh’s gravestone or Voodoosh dies and I am the good one. Easy.



walk me through your opinion on Arctic from Day 1 to Day 3

it doesnt need to be too long, just give me a summary

DAY 1: I was a fresh-faced noob clown and Arctic was all over the place, despite the many mistakes I made they pushed on shark a lot.
DAY 2: Not much more to comment, still townie to me, they apparently saw me “slip” because I asked about the mafia chat towards the end of D1 and they used that to justify not killing me here despite how evil I now look. That and the gamethrowing comments.
DAY 3: Don’t like them that much any more since they’re calling everyone evil and claiming they checked people but then suddenly 180’d into saying they actually didn’t check anyone and are now useless since they’ll only get info on N4. This sounds like an easy way to justify being alive through the rest of the game since we highly likely won’t make it to D5 to hear what he has to say.

In hindsight, there are some clues that Arctic never intended to go in serious with his fake redchecks.

did you look over arctic during Night 2?

How so

Did you think:

“Hey maybe I should give Arctic another look just to make sure he’s town after ATNoname flipped Town?”

No because I bandwagonned AtNo the entire time and thought AtNo was evil, that had nothing to do with arctic it was me

ok is there anyone you doubted in general post-AtNo flip?

during Night 2*

If I went back and checked I’d have no doubt people who wordlessly hopped on my wagon would look weird to me now, but you have to bear in mind that at the time I believed the vote was good and I wasn’t willing to consider other outcomes so I didn’t really care

Also I went to bed like an hour or two before the vote happened and AtNo did a shoddy job of defending himself to pretty much everybody so I can’t really blame anyone, town or otherwise, for voting on him purely because of how he was acting

ok that is all
