Don't Starve - Anonymous TOWN VICTORY!

i mean i remember their pfp, red leaves a stronger impact on memory than one more W name but I’m fine being voted for that or generally, go right ahead :p did i like someone that dislikes you

In the future, could you try quoting which specific posts you appreciate and by whom, rather than making one-post comments about what you like? I’m aware that might fall under the umbrella of “cop”, but it would help by being all the less vague.

There isn’t really much that helps your slot to stand out as a villager, which is usually a bad sign when the same can be said for a third of the town.

I’d feel like WX or Wendy were the most logical kills considering their stance in town.
Wormwood also was relatively towny but I know some might argue less-so than Wes
I just don’t know why Wes would be the #1 target when they had a lot of posts but only about 15% of them were content.

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Wix was in the middle of the general sentiment in the town, being neither universally townread nor globally suspected, with people having sentiments leaning both ways; but they were outspoken with their reads. Wendy admitted to having no particular scumreads as of yesterday, even though she was generally townread across the board. Putting them both together as players you expected to be nightkilled is interesting, when they aren’t quite similar.

From what ik Wendy is town

At the beginning, she vouched for wes as town. So because of this, I believe her to be town

If I was to put a name out there, I’d say Wortox

Hey, welcome to the club.
I’m like fairly confident that I’m dying today due to everyone misreading me and all I can say is it is comforting for there to be some normalcy still

I had wes as my top town yesterday and didnt like wortox, and voted warly after they did so even though I didnt spell out “I am agreeing with wes on most things” its p clear

Before I inevitably die, I’m going to just do what I want to do which is:
VOTE: Vote Woodie

I’ve got your back Wilson.
You died while on this wagon and I’m gonna follow through on it since it’s also my read.

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VOTE: Woodie


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Wormwood townread Wendy, Wes and Wortox consistently throughout the first day; and conversely suspected Wilson and Woodie as well. Earlier on in the game, they also suspected Wickerbottom as well, but after a while this read seems to have been unceremoniously dropped without fanfare and never mentioned again. Beyond the aforementioned reads from yesterday, Wormwood interspersed D1’s casual fluff commentary with one-note gutreads and insights, which mostly go unelaborated except for a couple cases. Their tone was also just casual in general, sometimes joking around with their townreads and Wolfgang or making random comments as if they don’t feel obligated to make the most of their time, but aren’t either putting up a front or taking things for granted either.

The Wortox townread in particular is noteworthy, because that properly goes against the grain and it was maintained from the beginning until the end of the day. The pair could theoretically both be evil together, since there was a plausible chance of Wortox dying at the time of the 3/3/3 split with Woodie. But otherwise it’s just a committed vote that has no reason to exist from an evil who could rather just let the votes go whichever way, since we know Wilson was town. Even if they were paired, it would reasonably be safer to cut ones’ losses than to blatantly rescue a teammate on the ropes, considering that it’s a pure mountainous setup.

Wormwood is realistically a town player, even if the Wortox read is questionable. It’s a read that’s also shared by Willow, funnily enough.

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I have your reads from yesterday as “townread Wes. Townlean WX, Wendy, Wormwood. Suspect Wortox, Woodie, Wilson.”

It’s never really worth giving up to the axe regardless of alignment, lest of all so early into the day. If you’re a villager, despairing remarks such as this generally just send the wrong message.

I mean I am not giving up the axe, it is why I am voting for what I believe in instead of just self voting and throwing in the towel. I’d rather be going after wolves than just die.

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Cool, I don’t think you can be partnered with Woodie.

You actually both have the same reads, funnily enough. You have more of them, though

Hey @Wortox. I have no clue whether I’ve properly cased you or not, I think I should’ve but I was trying to focus on some lesser slots yesterday. What’s the reason why you believe most people are suspecting you? If you’re good, do you think it’s town- or evil-led? Are you just townreading the people defending you because it seems like the course of more resistance than just going with the flow, or do you think those players (Willow, Wigfrid, Wormwood) could be capitalising on a misread?

My slot has had a decent amount of fluff and character-based posts.
Another reason could be the fact that I’m a bit contrarian and can be hard-headed

It’s always hard when asked this question because naturally suspecting people who are scumreading me can be a problem. I think that some slots could easily be wolves trying to take advantage of the situation, but villagers can be mistaken too.

I townread the people defending me because I’m a bit naturally inclined to, I find that I trust people a bit who trust me. However, I do individually like the slots as I have analysed them in my read wall.