Don't Starve - Anonymous TOWN VICTORY!

its more like my autocorrect is sjit but

You should try turning autocorrect off and let yourself be however crazy you feel like, just for fun
(Bad influence above!)

sup guys, lets cook

anyways i thibk webber looks bad out if the people who look like they aew tryna do some sort of solvibg like he asks a questiob and then never follows up with it. town would be more inquisitive :face_with_monocle: . great also his reslonse to me calling his post useless as was so lame lol

think the guy wjo got rlly hung up with wendy is prob town and wendy also town i tiknk it was bottom or soemtikng

@warly are we cooking or nautt come back u he

Who got hung up with Wendy?

Im cooking up a hot pot of Moqueca! Best food in the game :)

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iirc bottim right

any ways whoever did they are both town

cook up some ai content

VOTE: Name

@wendy @wickerbottom stop voting each other yall

( ´,_ゝ`)

VOTE: webber

hi hurry


It’s just a vote.


on a town
