Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Night 4 (7/15)

thank you

ill vote ur cw if it comes to that btw

so why we killing this town again

you could also talk about why you scumread me instead of just talking about associatives, thanks!

if you are town you need to realize that basically gori has only entered the poe late on d4 bc mafia is running out of ml options

what is each of your gut or mind saying

Last time you trusted someone you believed it was town, it is very recent with eve and I thought both of you were town in that regard.

like good execution?


your stuff with gori seems just like a chain of omguses that i dont even remember who started it

and theres nothing youve explainined abt me

i was town and n1d and caught a scum d1 so maybe you could also listen to that instead of picking 1 singular thing ty

good advice for you is that a good meta read is the balance of a very specific scenerio and vague style/vibes



I have met mafia who doesnt know how to stop tunnel me, even when it becomes transparent that I am not mafia.

Please dont be delusional, you thought Eve is town.

Did you forgot I was talking about Jackal game?

ok. and?

does that mean im a terrible player that should never be listened too

dont act like you havent been wrong before

at least i dont try to act like i havent been :skull::skull:

Thats why you’re not voted by me.

i didnt forget

found lemon d1, no one listened and he n1d me

that is true facts

Why are you bringing up Lemon?

okay so im asking you

is your “meta read” trying to insult me or trying to solve game?

because it looks like the first one considering i was literally town in that game

your purpose of bringing it up is saying that i have bad accuracy so i shouldnt be listened to

im just arguing thats not true

if you bring up how good my reads are why cant i bring it up too

I am certainly not here to insult you

My issue is that I don’t trust Gori to be town with the way it’s going right now.

If town can’t push what they find is suspicious and the accused starting to pull AoE on us and even maybe flip town, why would the pushing players be punished for being bad when the accused cant handle the accusations?

I for one, dont trust players to be town when they selfvoted.