DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

What merpy was saying in that message was meme offering to tell them their role

Reminder about OGI (Out of Game Information) that should not be mentioned and/or talked about in thread mistakes happen.

“dont talk about this game outside of the game you nerds”



Oh. Damnit
Well when I get home ill try one last insight check
If i find nothing i cant do muchbto defend myself other than I guess death flagging myself?

My Read List:
(I can find quotes as needed).

Bee: I believe Marl mentioned it as well, but Bee seems way too confused to have any connection to the mafia. Mafia would’ve helped Bee understand things behind the scenes.

Marl: He has been very active and has made solid reads/points.

Kork: He feels like he is legitimately trying this game which is nice. Only reason I have him in TL is because it’s possible that the mafia team is pushing Kork to be more active, but this theory isn’t enough for me to scum-read them.

Null: (in no particular order)
Meme: I still have my doubts, but I will wait to hear more from them. It’s not enough to quite push them into scum-tier.

In summary, I haven’t heard enough from these people to get a solid idea. I want to hear more from them.

Arturo: The strong push on Eliza + seemingly smooth fall-off felt odd. Also, their odd response to my interaction with Kana about voting. Even after discussing it with them, it feels like they are clinging to this idea that I was hard claiming Kana was scum. In other words, I am getting the impression that they’re ignoring part of the interaction to paint me in a scum-light.
Something to clarify: This may be a scum-lean, but I have no intention of voting them here unless one of my town-reads gets pushed. I want to hear more from Arturo to solidify my read. It does sound like Arturo wants to understand, and I do think there’s some kind of miscommunication happening between us.

Apo: Even after reading all of their posts, it seemed like Apo didn’t want to pick a side ever. They didnt pick a side on anyone’s suspicions from what I recall, and there were quite a few. Some notable examples include: eliza v. meme, arturo v. eliza, me v. Kana, etc. I think Apo made some comments, but I don’t recall them being anything where they hard-committed to one side. It kinda gave me the vibes that they didn’t want to dirty their hands.

Kana: She is in a similar boat to Apo. She hasn’t given many reads from what I saw. For being a top-poster, the lack of reads strikes me as sus. I also have this gut feeling that if Kana flips wolf, Arturo flips wolf. That’s just a gut feeling though. I’m not using this as evidence against them. Rather, I am just putting this thought somewhere in writing.

Eliza: I have mentioned this before, but I don’t trust the lack of information.

Feel free to ask me any questions you have! :+1: I didn’t quote specific things, so I don’t mind going through and quoting stuff to give more clarification

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With that being said, my vote is going on Eliza.
VOTE: Eliza
I will periodically check in on thread to see how it develops. Again, let me know if you have any questions :+1:
I’m going to take a break for a bit though because I have been looking at thread for an unhealthy amount of time

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The way Bee is interacting with the game (especially comparing the quantity and depth of questions to contributions) feels about typical for someone newer to the game, but I’m concerned that the questions are not in the right places. In terms of how much the questions, in my understanding of them, would improve Bee’s understanding of the gamestate, a lot of them felt as if they missed the mark to being useful to ask from her perspective.

In short, I’m uneasy on her placing but would like to reserve the axe for the time being.

This statement only has a reasonable place from the perspective of someone first-timing social deduction as a genre. A claim of town is equal to being absent, so please aim to provide your point of view whenever you have enough to go off of for the benefit of the game and your own standing in it.

While this can be to your judgement, Bee, determining who to trust is an aspect of the game you should make on your own terms. Similarly to the above statement’s tail-end, filtering your interactions through other people verifying them will only slow the game down and make it harder for us to trust you.

I am tempted to dismiss this as “grappling with unfamiliar game aspects (flavor)”, but it is still enough of a flag for me to mark it down. A jump straight to “we should kill them” is excessive. There can be levels of concern for people ranging from trust to immediate vote but within that range you can suspect people but hold off on axing them until others are put up. Furthermore it comes from an element that should be given reduced weight in the game, which I am putting more emphasis on Bee’s unfamiliarity with the format in how I value this interaction.


I’m not going to be here until abouuuuuut 2, 2.5 hours before EoD due to a combination of massive headache that demands sleep and weekly Pathfinder game


You mention that bee sees way too confused to be mafia, but isnt this the polar opposite to how you view meme? Meme seemingly acting like they didnt know too much was suspicious to you rather than bee doing it aswell, can you elaborate on how they are different?

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Meme has more experience social deduction experience than Bee. It is not the same. Good question though!

I suppose that is true, but bee has also had about a years worth of experience

Why dont we just ask bee

Also i have an idea. We have been talking alot of who to vote. But why dont we discuss who to not vote with the time left or is this just a horrible idea.

I feel like I have years worth of LIVE Social Deduction Games
Maybe im wrong it but feels like a Major Difference. Probably cuz you lose the sense of tone when you remove vocals

In addition, Forum Mafia sounds different from Stuff like Dangan Werewolf or Blood on the Clocktower

When I play Those 2, while there are experts, most of the experts are not advanced terms and pointing fingers turn into chaos

Here, it feels like chess, everyone is at different skill levels and can read way to hard and use complex skills, There is no screaming and I feel out of place unable to read these Messages

Iunno maybe im Bullshitting but its definitely hittin different

Maybe cuz Lack of Evidence too

Gnerea;;y we should leave “who not to vote” up to inference, We dont want to give mafia more info to make their night kills with

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You determine who not to vote by determining who to vote :66:

I have acquired :tea: it’s sover for you all

Then in that case my vote is probably going to land on Eliza unless something wild happens

Last game something wild happened, the vote landed on Eliza after the fact!

We are entering irony territory.

Not the :skull: :black_flag:

I haven’t dyed my hair, what death flag?

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