DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

If I didn’t know Meme, I’d assume they never touched a social deduction game in their life. Like this man has never told a lie in his life :joy::joy::joy:


Kork, you mentioned finishing back-reading. What are your general thoughts on people so far? Don’t worry about being wrong now. As Marl mentioned earlier, it’s okay to get some info out there. I’ll be giving my reads later too although I don’t really feel confident in my current reads on people.

It doesn’t have to be a full-blown list. It can be a simple:
I trust X because of this post.
I don’t trust Y because of that post.
(Quoting would be helpful if you’re referring to something specific)

I should probably ping you, sorry @Kork

I’m going to wait until I hear more than a “hi” from some people to solidify my reads. If anyone else wants to give an early D1 read list, that’d be cool! :partying_face:

Dont really have too many things to think about really I guess. The people adding to discussion have said a lot but nothing really seems too bad?

Eliza isn’t defending themself which is odd, slight wolf lean I guess.
I dont think that guava is wolf currently, but if they are than meme most likely is too
Apoc could be both at this point, as I just see them sort of starting conflict, which both town and wolves do
Kanna and Marl seem alright

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This is literally exactly what happened last game btw

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Tbf last time I just had jumped on you to save myself, as I knew you were town and you were also acting scummy

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knew i was town*

Do you want me to out my role?

Yes and so did 6 other people

Er, please dont

Meme gets anti claimed n1 dot mp4

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This isnt dangan we and you shouldnt role claim willy nilly from my understanding

I mean, you can if you want to. It wouldn’t make you seem any more townie to me given wolves were provided fake claims, but go ahead if you want👍🏻

why were you voted last game?

I don’t remember

To clarify, I think you should weigh your options. If the only reason you’d claim is to win my favor, it won’t work. Don’t put a target on your back for no reason.

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I dont remember why eliza was voted, but I eas voted for not wanting to hang anyone at first

what’s the correlation between w!arty and w!meme?

Guava hard defending them from eliza’s push