DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

YOOO THAT’S SICK. Does it protect???

You were protected?

Not sure on what to think at this current moment people wise

Can you explain how your ability works? I think we may catch someone if you clarify your ability

I interpreted “I blocked kana from acting” as “I roleblocked her”. I think I see what you’re saying now that you’ve expressed confusion though. Are you saying that you threatened to RB her but bluffed?


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Why did you tell them you were rbing them?

If it’s anything like the mafia game I was in, I think anyone on the mafia team can attack. I could be remembering wrong though. It’s been a hot minute :thinking:

yeah of course.
as the unlucky student i start with one unlucky token, and gain a coin for every time we vote wrong during the day. If I have two tokens I can cash it in and see who another player chooses to visit. I used it on Bee, and Bee visited Marl last night, which rose both red and green flags because I think its likely bee is either who they sent out to kill, or couldve protected marl.


no it doesn’t, just roleblock

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Okay. I was going to say if it was a general lookout that watches Marl. If it was, then Meme would’ve been lying because you wouldn’t have seen them visit when they claimed to have. That’s why I wanted to clarify your role. Thank you! :hugs:
(This means that Meme is likely telling the truth. Figured it was worth clarifying bc I worded that weird initially).

So does this just mean Bee is mafia? I am genuinely shocked

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im claiming that i have protected marl


Also that means NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO im tied down to MARLS READ ON THE DERPY SINCE I HAVE TO TRUST THEM IMPLICTLY :sob: (Most of that message was sarcasm)


I mean, you don’t have to sheep Marl. I trust Marl a lot too, but if Marl suggests something I disagree with, I’m going to try talking it out with them

Right. I wanted clarification from Peach because if she claimed that she watched Marl and only saw Bee visit, your claim would contradict that.

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What’s your role?

I do have a theory, but I want to wait and see what Bee claims

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I assume you started with one then?


They say so after the first sentence. Reread :+1:

correct! i have other abilities for diff token cost. so for one i can give myself an extra vote. but i cashed them all in for the 2 one.

with meme stating his action, Eliza pushing bee, and my own suspicions I had on bee yesterday, I feel very confident in VOTE: Beeswax

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