DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

Bylamir stocks plummeting

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Also Iā€™m assuming your theory is ā€œthere is another villager who role blocked the wolves night killā€

Which could be the case yeah
But in that situation why is bee not just claiming their role

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Also if there was another roleblock it is est for town to have it claimed now so we have all the cards on the table


I disagree. As wolf, youā€™d always use ability, no? You would never be able to get away claiming you have a jailor ability but havenā€™t jailed anyone. I assume Iā€™m misunderstanding your message though :thinking:

No, I was not roleblocked :+1:

My information is purely based on my role + a hunch

Think about it like this:
If I was a wolf and I DONT CC Eliza there, Iā€™m forced to neighbor someone in order to get the roleblock aspect of my ability

This would leave the question of ā€œwhy the heck didnā€™t marl say anything when Eliza claimed to make neighborhoods if he could do so as wellā€

I know what your role is I think

But also keep in mind, in this size and type of setup, one of the wolves is always a roleblocker of some kind

That was one speculation I had, but no, thatā€™s not what came to mind. I am going to give Bee some more time to respond, and if that doesnā€™t happen, Iā€™m going to reveal what I think is occurring

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You heavily hinted earlier what your role was Iā€™m pretty sure

I do think that there is at least one more RBer. Probably not the same exact style since Ruby mentioned ppl can have the same ability (at least thatā€™s how I interpreted the rules), but I do think thereā€™s one more RB-esque ability out there. I would love to clarify why, but Iā€™m going to bite my tongue for now :+1:

Should do a roundabout with claims for role abilities or should we not do that?

Yes wolves have to have some kind of disruption in role madness so one more roleblocker is basically the minimum


I would be kinda surprised bc I would not guess my own role tbh if I was an outsider. Maybe I just donā€™t have enough FOL experience tho XD

Not today

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if it makes you feel better I got no clue what you are lmao

Yeah we donā€™t need info overload especially since we have enough info to figure out 1 lynch rn. Feeding more info to the mafia only harms us here


That checks out with my hunch

So, thereā€™s a day and 7 hours left. Iā€™ll give Bee the rest of the day to respond. Tomorrow, I will reveal my theory. I assume thereā€™s not like an evil role that can end the day early, right?

BeesWax (2): PrincessPeach, guavagudetama
guavagudetama (1): Apocryphal

Not Voting (10): Marluxion, Kork, Bylamir, Hazardwaste, MerpyDerpy, Kiiruma, Drinks, Memekingpizza, BeesWax, Kanave

Hammer is 7

Day actions close at 2024-04-21T00:00:00Z
(This last reminder will not be on all votecounts)