DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

a big question i have is where is this corrolation between me and drinks coming from

this is after i said i liked drinksā€™ reaction to me voting them and had already unvoted drinks

bleh also in this paragraph bee is acting

the second sentence can only exist if bee knows iā€™m the one who said i suspected arty and drinks earlier

the first sentence cannot exist in a world where town bee knows that, sheā€™s just pretending not to remember because she didnt want to put my name for some reason
odds are she typed that and replaced ā€˜marlā€™ with ā€˜someoneā€™

willing to clear apo for this i think as well

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Also, Iā€™m just going to state my theory. I suspect we wonā€™t be hearing from Bee.

I have thought of a way that Bee is possibly town: there would have to be a TOS Disguiser and a TOS Blackmailer. (Disguiser, from my recollection, picks somebody and appears as them for actions. Blackmailer silences people from talking). Itā€™s possible Bee just feels overwhelmed being accused, so the Blackmailer may not be necessary for this, but it feels likely in a t!Bee case.
I wanted to double-check with Marl to see if certain roles were taken out of the game because blackmailer in a forum game sounds like hell, but who knows, maybe itā€™s the norms. But yeah, thereā€™s the chance that someone visited Marl disguised as Bee and then blackmailed Bee. Do I think itā€™s likely that this exact instance occurred? Itā€™s unlikely. I didnā€™t want to reveal it early to give Bee an out, but Iā€™m getting this feeling that theyā€™re not going to respond.

The main reason Iā€™m bringing this up, and Marl mentioned it earlier, but this push on Bee feels too straightforward. Itā€™s possible they got caught and are experiencing low wim, but after our Eliza vote, I really want to weigh any possible reality we can. I am determined to not mislynch again even if it means I look like a crazy woman making conspiracies

I doubt that someone had disguised as bee and also silenced bee, it seems a lil farfarched, as Im not sure BM would be a fun role, literally makes you not play the game for 2 whole days

Oh okay. Yeah you said voting, so I just assumed you meant like voting as a whole. You meant adding your vote in case of hammer. I see. Sorry :+1:

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Bro got that hair trigger on god. All G LMFAO

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disguiser is bastard, bastard games are disclosed in the op almost always
so this is almost never the case

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It is incredibly unlikely, yes. However, this push on Bee feels like itā€™s too obvious to be the answer. Maybe Iā€™m overthinking, but I want to think through every possibility and weigh the odds (even if it seems improbable)

you are overthinking

Oh snap, really? Oh so thereā€™s no disguise ability. Bee, without a doubt, visited you. Iā€™m glad I was able to clarify my understanding then :+1:

which is fine
itā€™s ok to weigh options but this is hard occams razor of ā€˜tracked to one of the only possible kills, not showing up to thread in almost 24ā€™ = wolf

that i can say beyond a shadow of a doubt

I know I am but I donā€™t want another mislynch

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i think this is next to impossible to lose if bee flips wolf



Ngl, I am also experiencing mega doubt bc I find it super odd how Bee was acting. Like did mafia really not include Bee in the mafia chat??? The only reason I can think of this is that they didnā€™t want Bee to appear coached if they came in knowing how to play, so they let her go blind