DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

It just feels like odd foresight…

what makes you say this?

this i mean

Did you see their accusation on Peach? They came in accusing Peach about their character and was using that to call people sus. They needed redirection to be put on the same path. I feel like, if they were in a scum chat, they would’ve asked what to do

coaching that intense almost never happens

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I explain this a bit in the message above, but their deductions were really far out there. Here’s the possible realities if Bee is mafia:

  1. Mafia coached Bee to cause chaos. Feels like way too specific foresight.
  2. Mafia excluded Bee from mafia chat to not appear coached (to not raise red flags). Also requires a lot of foresight imo.

This is why I’m hesitant on this push. (It also just feels rude to exclude someone from a mafia chat). Like, I feel like if Bee was mafia, they’d be asking a million questions in mafia chat. And no hate to them. I’d be the same way. With how lost they are, I am having major doubts. Hopefully, that makes more sense. I can try to explain more if it helps

they’ll ask ‘what to do’ and their teammates most of the time will just give bad vague instructions like ‘be chill and just post’ or ‘come in and post content’


i dont think it’s either

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i think there’s pretty good odds the wolves arent talking that much

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That’s why I’m having my doubts

That’s a valid conclusion. I just kinda assumed in my head that wolves were playing mega optimal. (No offense to the wolves)

bad wolfteam chemistry into bee being put in a shitty position into low morale into free town win

that’s the vibe i’m getting so far

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Like I feel like if I was ever W/W w/ Bee, I would’ve taken the time to explain the game to them. You don’t have to take my word for that though. As a result, I assumed the other wolves would do the same

If this is the reality we’re in, who do you think the wolf team is?

I do have this odd gut feeling that it could be a Bee/Arturo W/W pair, but what are your thoughts? They have vocalized suspicion on Bee, but this was after everyone else has jumped on it

i think bee didn’t make any explicit mistakes even, they were doing fine for a new person up until the red check

the reason she isnt posting is probably because her teammates dont want her to fuck up the rest of the game for them with spew because they think she’s dead anyway

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i’m not sure yet

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Oh that makes sense. She was probably told not to post anymore. I didn’t even make that connection. I’m so used to wolves like fighting until their last breath. I mean, this is a fair strat too I suppose

Pffft what? No
hides gun

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@Marluxion Your ability does rb ppl, right? Double checking. I had a plan, but I don’t think it would work as I’d hope

if i was a wolf with her (which is like, impossible because the only reason she’s caught is because she tried to kill me in the first place :joy_cat: ) i would probably be telling her to just try to convince people yeah

this could still be the case and bee just doesnt feel up to it or lacks confidence, it could be a number of things
basically the only impossiblity i currently see is that bee is town

if she was town she has no reason to be demoralized, she just comes in like “uhhh no, what the heck i didnt visit marl?” or comes in and explains herself

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