DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

Where are the others to contemplate how likely that is

Wish I could double vote :pensive:


But at the same time
Not sure double voting is good here
Donā€™t wanna risk hammer yet

Can I ask why your adamant on guava apo when bee is entirely suspicious as of currently? Just wanna put it in my mental notes :notebook:

I flaw is that its owned by a dumbass
i think thats an equal trade

But then again

If we donā€™t really have anything else to discuss, and are dead set on murdering Bee

We probably could go ahead

But again

Only if we do not have anything else

1 Funny
2 Habitual Vote Parker
3 To let people know that I stand by my read on Guava


I might have been attacked but I wouldnā€™t die because of what my ability is.
I shall not elaborate much more than that.

And in the world where Bees is good then Iā€™d think either 1 - The tracker is evil or 2 - I was attacked

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Can we at least know if its Passive or Active?

i did say day action she isnt wrong there

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Sure. Itā€™s active but not without risk.

Based on how youā€™re wording this, I assume you donā€™t get notified if u get attacked or not

Iā€™m trying to be very vague.
But you can assume what you will.

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i doubt this
the result is confirmed because bee said she visited me so either way rem is telling the truth about the track
not impossible for that to be a mafia role but i doubt it here

I mean, if you know whether you were attacked or not, that could potentially clear Bee. That info is vital

also kii i dont think you ever get attacked this game, no offense
attacking a 10 poster is giga troll


i was almost certainly attacked but it isnt necessarily bee that did it

If Bee didnā€™t attack you, then what happened to the night kill? Can mafia choose to not kill?