DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

i was attacked by the mafia
whether that is bee or not is irrelevant
there were no other claimed protections or roleblocks

they did not attack kii

No I do not know if mafia attempted to attack me.

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If I knew I’d be either pushing back against the Bee wagon or supporting it super strongly.
I figured being vague would work but eh it doesn’t

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Are people notified they are roleblocked?

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I would assume so, but I’m not sure

Could vary
But also the important thing when it comes to Marl’s topic is that mafia would’ve been the ones roleblocked so wouldn’t say so ofc.

There may also be some other ways to tell

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no unless you’re an investigative role

by claimed roleblocks i mean other town claiming to have blocked people or done something that could potentially stop the kill

Would it be optimal to rejail Kana again, Marl? What if Kana is the only mafia member who can attack for whatever reason? If I recall from the last Invitational, I think Kana had to like buy items to eventually be able to attack. I could be remembering wrong though :thinking:

Do you protect people in jail like TOS or is it only roleblocking @Marluxion

Well, actually, I guess that doesn’t really give you much info. Nvm :saluting_face:
Plus, as Kork mentioned earlier, it’s more likely that all mafia members can attack

It’s just an RB. I asked earlier :saluting_face:


Alright gang. I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts on who to vote in the upcoming vote. We have received Bee’s claim. Is the general consensus to still vote for them, or do we wish to vote for someone else? :thinking:

I still want to vote bee, and it seems apo wants to vote arturo

Marl. Let’s be honest about one thing.
Mafia should know that if there’s a protective they’d probably be on you.
There’s basically 0 chance they’d be on me.
Am I a good attack target? Fuck no.
Am I a viable one because I would never be protected? Maybe

Wait Wait Wait
Peach’s Ability looks at my tracking and investigation
and Marl is 90% sure people attacked them
Doest that mean that there could of been SOMEONE ELSE that visited Marl?
Since the ability only looks at me and not all visits Marl has or something