DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

I genuinely don’t know how one can play this much mafia and not know how newbie towns frequently get misread as wolves


I don’t think this is really accurate as a general statement
But I agree in this case because I’m pretty confident Meme would have said those things regardless of alignment, that’s just kinda his personality

Okay but how much mafia does she actually get to play as opposed to afking for 80% of d1 and getting shrugyeeted


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That’s a skill issue on her part


I got a character from the fangan I asked Ruby to add and I’m so happy about it !!!

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Well duh

That doesn’t disprove my point that she doesn’t actually play that much mafia as it would seem from how many games she signs up for

I got a character from a fangan too.
One of my favourites from it.
I wonder if it’s the same fangan (I’d actually think it is!)

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I’m just gonna say which one it is cuz each game still has like 16 characters y’all not figuring out who I am

Is it ADG?

Oh nah nah.
I’m from DDT.

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Yellow! Also huh votes D:


This might be a bad read but I’m going to say it anways. I don’t know how people think but deaths always mean something. Saying something is not a big loss is suspicious without information. Unless you have something we don’t? But hey this is just a day one read.

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I was thinking this too like I would get it if the person wasn’t talking in thread at all but you’ve been posting enough imo


chat do I just stay home

Speaking of people who haven’t spoken

@MerpyDerpy wya

nvm it was the wrong bus

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