DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

Gotcha, though the finding things out of place is the hard part for me, as I usually think everything looks normal haha

Why do you keep only sighing rather than defending yourself as votes are cast on you


Believe me

When Iā€™m frustrated, it is generally fairly obvious

90% of the time, I am joking or in an otherwise jovial/neutral mood

Well what am I supposed to say

Do you want me to just unvote?

Uhā€¦ no? But maybe try to explain your reasonings for doing things. I may do stupid stuff but atleast when Im voted for said dumb stuff I explain why I did it

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Okay I am caught up. When does the first vote happen? I assume this isnā€™t the Heaven and Hell setup where we have to consider voting townies to Heaven. (In other words, I assume our votes are going to be for eliminating scum).

I ask about the start of voting because I have some questions for people and reads I want from people, but I want to give them enough time to talk before the vote happens before I start pressing :spiral_notepad:

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ends at 10 pm tomorrow I think

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Marl asked you to elaborate on your read if I recall correctly. That could be a good starting point. As someone who agreed with your read on Meme, I think you just need to clarify more.

Maybe I found it suspicious for a different reason than you did, but I found their dramatic responses too forced for having social deduction experience. Again, I have experience with playing dumb. I really exaggerate it when Iā€™m scum, and I get that feeling here too. Playing dumb tends to be done at a high enough extreme to be noticed, so they appear townie

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If I didnā€™t know Meme, Iā€™d assume they never touched a social deduction game in their life. Like this man has never told a lie in his life :joy::joy::joy:


Kork, you mentioned finishing back-reading. What are your general thoughts on people so far? Donā€™t worry about being wrong now. As Marl mentioned earlier, itā€™s okay to get some info out there. Iā€™ll be giving my reads later too although I donā€™t really feel confident in my current reads on people.

It doesnā€™t have to be a full-blown list. It can be a simple:
I trust X because of this post.
I donā€™t trust Y because of that post.
(Quoting would be helpful if youā€™re referring to something specific)

I should probably ping you, sorry @Kork

Iā€™m going to wait until I hear more than a ā€œhiā€ from some people to solidify my reads. If anyone else wants to give an early D1 read list, thatā€™d be cool! :partying_face:

Dont really have too many things to think about really I guess. The people adding to discussion have said a lot but nothing really seems too bad?

Eliza isnā€™t defending themself which is odd, slight wolf lean I guess.
I dont think that guava is wolf currently, but if they are than meme most likely is too
Apoc could be both at this point, as I just see them sort of starting conflict, which both town and wolves do
Kanna and Marl seem alright

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This is literally exactly what happened last game btw

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Tbf last time I just had jumped on you to save myself, as I knew you were town and you were also acting scummy

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knew i was town*

Do you want me to out my role?

Yes and so did 6 other people

Er, please dont

Meme gets anti claimed n1 dot mp4

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