DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

Okay 100% might be a bit bold. More like. 80%.

Not entirely sure on those three, the only thing I think of them is that eliza is acting strange, apo is starting fights, and guava is hard covering someone which might just be them marinating someone early idrk


As for my town reads, I trust Marl. And shockingly, I likr Korks messages alot despite usually finding Korks behaviourā€¦ suspicious. Maybe that in itself is suspicious lol.
But for now, my hard town leans are Marl and Kork. Hazard, Kanave and Meme are leaning slightly to town, and Iā€™m pretty neutral on everyone else.

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Suspicious for actually playing the game for onceā€¦ Truly a world we live in

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Pretty much LOL.

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But I like the comments youve made, especially this one. Feels very town. (I am replying to it because I do not know how to quote.)
Even if I disagree slightly with it, I like how it reads especially with your other messages :+1:

You dare disagree with me? Blastphamy


Youā€™re so right, how dare I. VOTE: PrincessPeach

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I think I shall shed some light on the me and Eliza connection. We just play os often with each other. So any reads we make on each other arenā€™t really that valid. Besides words but trying to describe each others personality is going to be hard for the both of us.

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Like BOTC its usally based on read on the first day. But they have information somewhat public but jeez we are going off the soicals a lot.

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thats gonna be the whole game, weā€™ll get mech but socials are much MUCH more prominent here

Unfortunately, thereā€™s not much else to go off of on day one. Day one in any format is basically just classic mafia, (i know theres a term for that on here, I just forget it.) even in a game with roles in it.

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I wonder whatā€™s the flavor is going to be since nobody is dead and we are voting on someone already if someone does get shoved off the cliff.


The flavor for them dying is probably going to be a school execution

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Liking Peach here

They tripped and snapped their neck

VOTE: Kork
lets get some more pressure here

Donā€™t really get how that adds pressure, as I have given a lot of opinion already

VOTE: Bylamir

you say that like you plan to stop :sob:

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