DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

I feel like she is. I honestly don’t think I have a solid read on Eliza specifically to know if this is normal behavior for her or not, but pushing someone and then not having the ability to justify it feels hella scummy. Yes. She is scum-leaning for me atm.

Which feels really weird to say bc I agree with her sus on Meme but not their lack of a reason. I haven’t iso’d his posts yet, and I’ll probably do that once I iso most ppl’s posts when I’m giving my read list. For now, i am going off of the context i saw via Eliza’s posts quoting it. I mean, there’s only so much better it can get with context. Meme mentioned they played Mindnight, BOTC, TOS, TIS, etc. I’ve played all of these games too, and I feel like they helped me transition into forums more. In other words, I doubt getting context will change my suspicion on Meme.

Yes, I can acknowledge that both are probably not scum. I think a world where Eliza and Meme are scum is fucking crazy. I mean, it would explain why Eliza backed off so easily, but that’s such a risky push because people could’ve backed her vote. I will save myself the brain power and say they are not aligned in any world

is this hypothetical or am I just not seeing that they haven’t voted

I mean, wouldn’t the pressure be “give your reads or die”? By pressuring them with that threat, I would like to think they’d want to play the game still. I saw pressure voting more as a forceful nudge. Being held at gunpoint

its one vote

I misread vc and thought Meme’s vote was Merpy

with pressure this minor i’d rather place it on someone who I’ve seen messages from and not cared for them, rather than someone I literally have 0 info on

I honestly forgot Bee was in the game. Bylamir was just the first person that came to mind with a low post count
(Sorry Bee) <3

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merpy bee maybe unaligned

Eh I don’t like this justification. I’m sorry, but I’m putting you in my sus notebook :spiral_notepad:

did you read the post after it? It MEGA disingenuine to reply to that post and act like thats the only reasoning, and not the sentence below explaining it

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I agree

what skills in these games do you think transfer over?
because I also played the first three before I played FM and I felt incredibly unprepared

I’m going to ask it is the notebook bit a new bit for this or is this normal.

VOTE: MerpyDerpy

What pressure would you gain from Kork? Are you waiting for them to get defensive or something? I still find more value in using your vote as a nudge for lurkers

Hey that’s not very nice :c
Are you mocking my notebook?


Kanave: I’m voting Kork because I don’t care for his posts
Merpy: sus


Uh, yeah? Marl literally put drinks in a town bin bc of how they reacted to his vote on them

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To @MerpyDerpy you claim to know me well enough to say yeah that’s a valid read. But do you know how I play social deception games well enough to make that claim because I know for a fact Eliza can’t? So I’m going to ask it point blank where am I acting differently than I’m innocent in a different game compared to evil?

like /gen what would you say the difference is between my vote and a vote here

I never claimed to know you well enough to make a read on you. I’m just saying that I had a similar starting point for FOL, and I felt as though you were exaggerating your confusion to appear townie. Been there, done that :thinking: