DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

The thing is you are agreeing with Eliza to some extent. Am I wrong?

about what

Is this the post youā€™re referencing? I do see it now. I personally donā€™t agree with the use of the vote, but it doesnā€™t make you as sus as I initially perceived. The ā€œone voteā€ thing made it sound like you were just throwing your vote away all willy nilly like it didnā€™t matter

Mostly because I act about this game. Mostly joking around and having a bit of fun before actual info is going to be thrown out there. Plus I have a bad feeling that if this is around too long we could lose because town on town violence.

that doesnā€™t answer my question
what are you claiming that Merpy and Eliza are agreeing on

@Kanave what do you want from me with you pressure post anyways, Iā€™ll give ya what you want if I can

After playing those games, the transition felt smoother because role setups were your standard mafia game, roles and role abilities were pretty much the same, and some general social reading skills carried over as people are people regardless of what social deduction game youā€™re playing. Again, I can acknowledge that some may feel more or less confident transitioning into forums for the first time. I can say now I wasnā€™t the most confident either. However, I do not find Memeā€™s comments reminiscent of my first forum game at all. Feels like heā€™s acting like he doesnā€™t know anything about social deduction despite his background. Again, this is more based on social vibes and background knowledge. Thereā€™s no concrete evidence for this. I have also not really played a lot of social deduction games with them, so I am generalizing my experience to theirs given we had almost identical social deduction experience prior to our first FOL games.

I should be suspicious based on words alone. Sure itā€™s how this game is played yeah I kinda understand that line of thinking. But I believe game mechanics to give us some sort of sign is the way to go.

oh you sweet summer child


he doesnt know chat


not to leak that Iā€™m not an investigative role but itā€™s not even guaranteed weā€™ll have an investigative role

I mean, what I want is for you to react to it, and you pinging me asking what you can do it like, basically exactly what I need K:LJDAJKHLWDJHKG

Is this question to me?


Eliza vocalized a suspicion I had of you internally (not one I vocalized prior). I agreed with the suspicion, but I also mentioned that I find Eliza sus for not being able to justify her claim.

does that mean I already did it? crazy

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I think theyā€™re reminiscent of mine

TOS and BOTC are like 75~100% mech depending on the set up and given the fact he just said that he shouldnā€™t be killed based on social reads in forum mafia I think this tracks
like itā€™s giving when people name themselves something really stupid in town of salem and get mad when they get killed for having a stupid name like that comes with the territory but he doesnā€™t know the territory he just got here


To be quite honest, I missed Marlā€™s vote as I kinda just made a mental note of ā€œI trust themā€ and have been focusing on other people. If they voted Drinks for the same reason you voted Kork, then yeah, I disagree with the use of the vote. Doesnā€™t really matter who it is. Thatā€™s just my personal preference of how votes should be used since I have had forums games where you have to like strap someone down in a chair to get them to even make a single post. Thatā€™s why I prefer utilizing votes to nudge. Itā€™s probably not optimal, but from my experience, it would keep players active. Hopefully, that helps to better clarify my thoughts. Again, I donā€™t suspect you as much I did in the moment as this stemmed from us having different mindsets on voting.

Hell, I noticed while I was backreading that i accidentally skipped some messages because I saw people replying to stuff that looked unfamiliar to me, and thatā€™s because I mustā€™ve missed messages when I was backreading earlier today

This game is incredibly social, and I find referencing people outside of the game (both in previous forum/social deduction games) and just them as a person is incredibly useful. Like, for example, if I got like super aggressive toward people in thread, thatā€™s very out of character for me as a person. That would be a valid reason to throw sus on me. It shouldnā€™t be your only evidence obviously, but given this is the joke phase, this is the biggest lead Iā€™ve got rn

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