DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

I appreciate you offering your own experience, and that’s valid. Also, I should clarify that I’m like by no means bargaining for Meme to be burned at the stake atm. Notice how I’ve only been saying “scum-lean”? I don’t feel confident on anyone in particular to vote. There are several people atm who I feel are potential vote candidates, but I’d rather do my final backread of this day phase to solidify my best course of action

I mention this because you are defending Meme a lot, and I’m not sure if you have the impression that i intend to vote them out for this. I don’t intend to make a move rn. I’ll see how the discussion evolves and work from there. Feel free to ask me more about this if you’d like :+1:
Thanks again for offering your insight!


Who do you want to exec today

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Like the last forum game I was in was like actually painful. It was like me and 3 other people talking for like almost an entire day phase or 2. And like 2 of those people were scum. It was bad. I love forum games, and I hate to see them go inactive. That’s why I find nudge voting is a solid tool here. I feel like inactive players may think “oh I can always type in thread when I’m feeling up to it because they won’t vote me without evidence”. This may be wrong, but that is why I have my nudge vote mentality.

yeah… thats what usually happens

there has been several games where it has become a graveyard and a ghost town. and its happening more often

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These are my thoughts so far:
Uh. I’m honestly not sure. At least from what I’ve seen maybe Eliza or Meme unless something else comes up. Those are the 2 that I feel are sus (Eliza from in-game interactions and Meme from my generalized experience + in-game interactions).

The main reason of suspicion for Meme was my generalized experience, but I’m falling off of it a little bit due to Arturo claiming to have the same social deduction experience and relate to Meme. I do find it odd though that Meme was willing to claim to (seemingly) gain my trust. It feels like a defensive measure tbh.

However, I am leaning Eliza. Unless I missed something, they didn’t defend themselves. I don’t think there’s ever a world where not defending your claim is townie. If Eliza felt like their claim was wrong, they could’ve easily stepped down and backtracked on their claim. This would’ve been an acceptable move, but I don’t think that happened.

This may change as I haven’t done my official iso reads, but this is what I am generally feeling rn.

I never want to see Marl voted here. Marl is probably like my top town read atm just because of how active they are and the reads they’ve given. I have some other town-leans, but I’ll save the details for my read list. Hope that helps! Feel free to ask questions! :+1:

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Who do you think is a viable execute today?
Who do you trust/distrust? (This doesn’t have to be a full-blown readlist)

Oh goodness there was a lot of messages, and a lot of things needing me.
first of all, let me clarify I have no idea what’s going on. I know theres a bad we need to get, and we have no basis go off of

ill reread some of the work and try to provide my point of view, but ngl, I might just have to claim Town and hope you dont think im Lying

(can…can I say that…?)


Question, is Marl new to Forum Mafia or are they already decent with it?



You can claim whatever you want. I wouldn’t recommend claiming your role right now though. It will probably get you night-killed. I’d advise reading the thread and getting a general idea of who you trust and don’t trust, so you’re ready for the vote. Feel free to asking any of us questions if you need help and/or are confused! :+1:

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they are very new and dont really know what they are doing

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As Kana sent a photo, Marl is a mod for the FOL site. They have quite a bit of experience. Same with most of the people here. I think the only new FOL players here are you and Meme. Everyone else here has played at least one game of FOL


What are these terms. Are these important. They sound Important

leaning towards one of Eliza Kork and maybe you after our convo earlier.

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Two people have said Conflicting things, who do I trust

ooh? whats the confliction?

oh the marl thing? i am very much joking sorry. Marl has been here for a long while

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TOS and BOTC are other games similar to this one (town of salem and blood on the clocktower)

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