DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

… who is this tiny flight creature?

Fair, but its like
Your on them
Marls om them
Artys on them
I thinj some morepeople are on them, I think we kill them

Little Birdie


i was gonna say a bee but that makes more sense

Interesting :thinking:

Honestly, I agree. I mean, yeah it’s against me, but it felt odd that they didn’t really explain this one and pounced. Pretty sure they explained their other votes but could be wrong? That’s something I’d have to go double check when I backread. Regardless, it did feel a bit forced :thinking:

Also, @Kanave
It’s possible that you either missed my message or chose not to respond. (I think I initially pinged you as a well, but maybe I didn’t. Don’t remember). Would you be able to answer why you voted me? Again, I have no intention of changing your mind. I am just curious about your thoughts since I went and clarified things

Asking you the same question because your pounce vote was way too odd. I understand there was a bit of miscommunication between Kana and I, but you still haven’t unvoted. Maybe you do suspect me of being scum, and sure that’s fine, but I’d like you to elaborate more than “lmao”. (You have a post where you quote me, but that’s BEFORE the miscommunication is resolved)

i’ll be awake for EOD tomorrow. right now i need some sleep.
had a stressful fucking afternoon filled with me trying to talk to an IT department over a message system which i am 80% sure was a robot who only replied every 45 minutes

That sounds awful…
Had a similar experience with PlayStation IT when I tried to cancel my membership. Wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy :joy::joy:

my computer was just crashing everything and corrupting all my assignments.
and the it guys told me to reset my computer three times over the span of fucking 2hours

i am not even joking.
i fixed it my fucking self by just reinstalling my gpu and cpu

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i am just fucking over today…

If I had to take a guess, I’d imagine any character can get any particular allignment. So, for example, Makoto Naegi could be on the mafia team. Like, maybe their ability is they’re so lucky that they have a chance of learning something about someone’s role.

The reason I suggest this is 2 things:

  1. You shouldn’t suspect someone based on their character alone. Trying to predict what Ruby wrote will be really difficult, and it will not help in case deductions as a townie could just have an evil-ish ability or vice versa.
  2. In the game I was mafia with Kana and Scoot (different invitational), I was Aqua from Konosuba. Although Aqua is depicted as a good guy in the anime, I was given the evil alignment with an evil role. It’s very easy to invert the character roles and doesn’t have to be game accurate.

I do appreciate you trying to involve yourself in thread, and I’ve skimmed some of the current thread (on phone so hard to backread), and I do see some game discussion happening from you! Keep it up! I would just recommend not falling into the pitfall of discussing one’s character. (I would recommend waiting until people start claiming roles to contemplate things)

I assume the issue was never resolved. Sorry you had to deal with that. Are you at least able to make it through the school year?

Oh wait I see this now. I’m glad you were able to fix it at least! :hugs:

I do suspect Arturo atm given they’re mirroring the reason Arturo suspected Eliza (lack of a defense), but I’m sure they’ll elaborate more when they’re ready. I don’t intend to jump the gun on them until I get no/weak response :thinking:

I don’t really have any thoughts on Apo and Hazard without backreading. I find it like impossible to have reads on everyone at once in one read. I typically get the rest of my reads from an iso. (Iso = isolating/filtering one’s posts)

Rather than “fight”, I’d say more so look at who is accusing who. For example, if Arturo does continue to push onto me even after clarification, it is very likely that we’re unaligned.

There is a world where we’re aligned and Arturo is choosing to throw a wolf partner under the bus (term is called “bussing”). However, I don’t find any reason to bus this early in the game imo given there are several people being thrown on the block. I doubt all of the people being suspected are wolves, so wolves are in no immediate danger. Therefore, they’d have no reason to bus atm

These are the things you have to look for in forum mafia. Looking for “fights” will probably not work out because I feel like I see more town v. town arguments than I do wolf arguments :sweat_smile:

Hope this helps! Also, I appreciate you trying to keep up!

I said like only people I had some thoughts about

I see. Well, thank you for clarifying! I got the impression earlier, given the circumstances, that you were willing to throw out your claim to gain my favor