DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

Yeah. Since the mafia was given fake claims (Ruby mentions it in her description), even if everyone claimed now, it would tell us exactly nothing. In fact, it would be way worse for us because mafia will be able to target someone with a strong ability. It’s just never good for us to all claim rn

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If you truly suspect Eliza, I recommend iso-ing (filtering) only their posts and seeing what connections you see. Typically, suspecting one person would clear another. Example: If you think Eliza is a wolf, Meme is probably not.

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This read for Arturo is pretty funny.

I do find it interesting that is no mention of Kana or Apo considering they’ve had quite a bit of presence in this game, but that’s fair I suppose. May be interesting to reference at a later date :thinking:

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But isnt there like 4 people all going Eliza?
Wouldnt that be a High class debate as well?

You are helpikg though, just my brain is fried from Sleep Deprivation and Combo from the Exam

I think there is some value in hearing what they have to say. We’ll have to let it play out though :spiral_notepad:

Can you explain your top 4? (Like why they’re in the order they’re in?)

“Going for” is a strong word. If you’re referring to me, she’s certainly a vote candidate, but I want to iso everyone first before I give my final thoughts for the day

I honestly don’t know who the 4 you’re referencing are tbh. Marl and Kork are currently voting Eliza, but I’m not dead set on that vote quite yet. Even if you include me in that total, there should be one more that you’re mentioning. Do you know who it is, Bee?

Here’s my game plan:

  1. Make a post quoting everyone’s read list (so they can be easily accessed for the day).
  2. Make my own reads on people for today.

I’m going to start with the first one now

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Arty, Marl, Hazard, and in the Case hazard isnt Kork, Kork

Bee is wolf sorry for the rand

Bee iso quotes that are suspicious

Okay this one isn’t as wolfy as I thought but like.
Idk it just strikes me as “I am trying to bullshit reasoning for whatever reason”

(This one is gut wolfy; I can’t tell if it’s w/w or w/t tho, leaning w/w)

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??? I haven’t pushed that meme was suspicious, like, ever :sob:

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I don’t know how to quote, and I’m sorry, but Bees push unto me and than immediately flipping to Eliza just seems really bad faith to me, especially when the reasoning is considered

The push unto me, in my opinion, doesn’t make sense at all. I claimed a character, nothing about my role, and Im being pushed hard by Bee for it. Something that Bee thinks Meme did as well.

I think the statement “so when you do it its fine, but when meme does it its suspicious” after only pushing me is extremely wolfy and contradictory with your own push and your own suspicious being narrowed in on only me.

And than instantly flipping unto jumping unto the biggest vote train, Eliza, when their reasoning for their push unto me was forced into questioning. And saying for the reason that its a strategy they heard but not really explaining why they believe Eliza being wolf to be true. Just wanting to jump unto the vote train well not expressing their own feelings about Elizas actual actions or messages.

Now I HATE reading people wolf for their pushes unto myself, because I feel like being pushed by someone can obviously make you biased against them, but I feel like for good reason, I consider Bee to absolutely not have good faith in their arguments.

VOTE: BeesWax

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  1. Peach
  2. Marl
  3. Kanna
  4. Merpy

Day 1 Read Lists - Apo and Arturo:
I should clarify this now. For those who do not have a specific read list, I will try and reference posts that could convey their thoughts on people. If these views are wrong or have changed, feel free to correct it. I’m just trying to compile as much info into one place as possible. (I was initially going to make one big post of all of these, but I think I’m just going to reply to this message with the rest of them. I separated these two to basically give people time to look over this as it’s a lot, and to give you an idea of how I’m organizing the reads lists. It also gives you time to make a reads list quickly before I iso your messages. Official read lists make this a lot easier for me, and it means I don’t have to interpret things. :partying_face:


Read List


I believe Apo and Kork are not W/W. I don’t see any world where Apo throws out this comment to their wolf partner.

Apo sounds conflicted on Kork’s placement. I’d imagine they’re either null or scum for them based on these messages. Leaning scum based on later messages.




These messages give me the impression that Apo isn’t picking sides. They never directly say if they town/wolf read Meme. Rather, they state that new players often get misread. This is worth noting. @Apocryphal , I would love to hear your thoughts on this.


Apo does not view Arturo/Eliza as W/W? Curious what their actual thoughts are then. @Apocryphal

Initially, I interpreted this as Apo town-reading Meme, but honestly, this feels like a pseudo town-read. Like they’re not fully investing in it because “Arturo could be a wolf”. Does that make sense?



This isn’t necessarily a read, but it does show that Apo has a potential W/W connnection with Eliza (not wanting them to be out of the game). I mention this because Eliza has already been on the block once, and Apo has not expressed this concern for anyone else in the game. May not be anything, but I found it worth noting.


(This is in response to Hazard’s defense).



Sounds like a null read.

My Interpretation Of Their Read List:

Town Lean:





Read List




This was in response to me agreeing with Eliza’s sus on Meme.

This is why I really want justification from Arturo as to why he jumped on this. The quotes I’m finding really paint the picture that he is scum-reading me. Again, this is fine, and I don’t intend to change his mind. However, I don’t find this reason to be strong enough for what I know about Arturo. Especially after I clarified things with Kana.


Arturo expressing how they don’t want to see Drinks flip.

ElizaThePsycho (3): Marluxion, Kork, guavagudetama
Drinks (1): Kanave
MerpyDerpy (1): Memekingpizza

Not Voting (9): Bylamir, Hazardwaste, MerpyDerpy, Kiiruma, Drinks, PrincessPeach, BeesWax, ElizaThePsycho, Apocryphal



Marl and Kana:

I assume these are townreads? This didn’t sound like a complaint.

My Interpretation Of Their Read List:
Marl / Kana

Town Lean:

Kork (They joked about pushing Kork a lot but not sure if it was genuine or not).




I see the order you have given. I am asking you why are they in that order. So, for example, why is Peach your #1 townie? Why are they above Kana or Marl? I am asking you what distinguishes the order of your townies. This info is useful to know

Oh, WHY are they in that order, my bad


I remember people saying Meme is Suspicious and him claiming out his role was him being desperate
wasnt saying you, I was saying just in general
then people thought I was the crazy one and said to ignore my messages

big sad