DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

  1. Peach is my number one townie right now because their posts seem pretty coherent in my opinion, and what I mean by that is they don’t really seem aligned with anyone right now and aren’t really doing anything suspicious, but they are also contributing to the conversation, and making good points.
  2. Marl is my number two for the same reason as Peach really, might be a little biased since they are helping me know the game better currently but I’m not entirely sure on the matter, they have been trying to look for wolfy things actively though.
  3. Kanna is number three right now, but that’s really because I feel like they are trying to be a more of a town side putting pressure on someone, even if its me, to see if they change in demeanor when I get votes. Not much else really about them I guess right now.
  4. Finally, your my number four right now because you are giving a lot of information, which doesn’t inherently mean that your a townie or wolf, but I am inclined to believe you are doing it out of good faith atleast as of now
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Meme never claimed his role, he just claimed his flavor if I recall

Let me correct this for you. Me outing the series im in was for memes. But saying im willing to claim my role isnt a desperado play by me. Its a play to buy others time if they feel like their role has precedence over mine.


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For memes you say? was it the pizza variety?

Yes pepperoni to be exact

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Counter Argument
A) I originally Heard someone (I forgot who, I want to say Merpy though since me kork and them were in VC last night and they said alot of useful things, dunno if that was part) say that meme told them their role, but that made them even more suspicious. I took that liberty to you, as you claimed your character, which I thought also was important, but apparently not cuz people said not to care about that

B) Since that vote was just not valid (I think it was Arturo that said you were the most town person?), I read back up and saw a buncha people saying “Eliza’s pretty wolf sounding,” and because im not knowing what anything is happening (I literally said as one of my posts, I have no idea whats happening), I joined the crowd, more POVs saying Elizas bad has a higher change of them all being baddies, or them all being good I think

C) Honestly, im fine with being voted out, Best be someone that doesnt know whats happening and possibly spreading bad information (I think Merpy called it…No wait I forgot what its called, Scapegoats or something)

I will take the liberty of saying you heard wrong, all we told you last night were key phrases you may not know

I don’t get how this is a counter argument, all you had said really is that your a LHF and you followed a wagon


whats a Flavor
o-other than like…Chocolate and stuff

Flavor for your role, as in your danganronpa character

Fair, but I still remember someone saying you outing your role is extremely suspicious
should I throw that mentallity out?

oh. then No idea where I heard that then

Also fair

Low hanging fruit, an easy target

Your choice. But in my stance about roles is much different than others. Where i believe there shouldnt be a vote day 1 but there is going to be one thats for certain. Since i want there to be atleast to be some information out there to pair up with social reads. So if i were to get voted here i at least want people to know what i am before they make that choice.

Fair enough, it seems like I’m on the chopping block now though.

I dont like how Eliza is also voting Bee, but I don’t really get what Bee is trying to do, as everything that they have said has been contradictory so far, for what I’ve seen

Day 1 Read Lists - Marl and Kana:
I saw something I should probably respond to, so I am going to do that now, and then I will continue typing these out.


Read List

My Interpretation Of Their Read List:

Town Lean:





Read List

This one in relation to me asking who Kana would vote for in the D1 vote.

I do agree that this backoff was strange.

My Interpretation Of Their Read List:

Town Lean:




BeesWax (3): ElizaThePsycho, PrincessPeach, Kork
ElizaThePsycho (1): Marluxion
Bylamir (1): Memekingpizza
Kork (1): Kanave
MerpyDerpy (1): guavagudetama

Not Voting (7): Bylamir, Hazardwaste, MerpyDerpy, Kiiruma, Drinks, BeesWax, Apocryphal