DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

Wait wdym counterbus?

I’ve been contradictory because I’m not getting those insights you guys are getting, being able to see lies and stuff, I’ve been just seeing people say words and things and go with them
(or straight up lie i guess since I cant find the evidence that Meme was more suspicious from revealing flavor)
if I say a thing based on what my melting pot of a mind remembers and tries to analyze, people then shut me down because they have a good counter point
so I then go with their iteration
I guess then it makes me look Contradictory

Do you not have a take on merpy or kana yet

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You shouldnt shut down what your saying just because someone disagrees with you, that just makes you look more suspicious

Low posting sure, I just meant that wolves have to meet post minimums or else they basically die


I guess? but with that In mind I have no idea who I could think it would be
Lemme look back at the list and choose someone basedon what I think fully

I wasn’t
The point of your comment was “wolves wouldn’t post anything suspicious because it would draw attention to themselves”

But that isn’t really the case
Wolves do have to post, and the goal of peach’s post wasn’t to draw attention to her it was to place her on the high ground of the sidelines if one of the two wagons flipped v

Has Kiirumi or Blyamir been checked yet? Im about to run out of time so Ill leave it like that
both for me to remember to check up on them, and for someone else to check on them if they wish

But also in the essence of the point I was trying to make as well

It’s posturing

You cant just deflect you being pushed with other low posters

What do you want me to do? Defend myself?
Wirh what? I barely know attack, how am I supposed to know defense?
All my Csrd says is Stuff stuff stuff and A word I dont know if im allowed to say with how many complex terms there are

The primary difference was that I didn’t voice that my vote on drinks was just for pressure until later, I was being cocky and acting like I genuinely had caught them as scum

A pressure vote known to be just there for pressure doesn’t do much, it has to come with the inherent threat of death or attention to cause someone to change their demeanor


Give reads, dont just comment on what other people say, dont just say your fine with being voted, because then you just will, try to defend yourself rather than let people just vote you off because you “dont know what to say”

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I think I tried giving reads, and theyve led me to be Voted out

Nope, I’ve been playing for like 7 years and have been a semifinalist in champs. I’ve also played on like 15+ different websites, I was pretty into it until a year or two ago.

Your reads were just what other people have said, give your opinions not comment on others

Does this make me good? No

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what do you mean marl? you just started playing for the first time yesterday


Getting the vibe that this feels a bit too lost to be a wolf

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