EIMM Game Thread - Game Over [Litten, Ruby, Aelin Win]

Happy Mask Salesman has died. It was @Magnus, who was:




You are a hero raised in Kokiri Forest, marked for a great destiny by the Triforce symbol present on your left hand. You are sent off to Hyrule Castle, and on an adventure to claim the Master Sword and defeat Ganondorf. After finding the Master Sword and aging seven years, you defeat Ganondorf and return home to your original time, before starting off on another adventure in the land of Termina, attempting to stop Majora’s Mask from destroying the land with the moon.

Spin Attack (Basic Attack)
Standard, Unlimited, Damaging, H, Targeted 1

Target ALIAS takes damage equal to your Might.

Song of Time
Active, Unlimited, Disruptive, H, Targeted 1.

ALIAS’s Active abilities are delayed until the following night.

Mask Transformation

You may use one of the following abilities every night. You may not use the same ability two nights in a row.

Deku Mask
Active, Cycling, Disruptive, B, Targeted 1

ALIAS’s actions cannot be blocked, redirected, delayed, or modified.

Goron Mask
Active, Cycling, Utility, B, Targeted 1

ALIAS is protected from 6 damage.

Zora Mask
Active, Cycling, Utility, H, Targeted 1

ALIAS Might is decreased by 2 until the end of the night.

Fierce Deity’s Mask
Active, 1-shot, Instant, H, Targeted 1

ALIAS takes 3 damage at instant speed.

You win when you are one of the last 3 players remaining.

Mister Tickle has died. It was @Zorvo, who was:


Toilet Hand


A mysterious hand in a toilet stall, you bother Link for paper for…self-evident usage, rewarding him with a heart piece if he helps you out. Let’s not think about where you got that.

Health: 10
Might: 3

Pa-Paper, Please! (Basic Attack)
Standard, Unlimited, Damaging, H, Targeted 1

Target ALIAS takes damage equal to your Might.

Title Deed
Active, Unlimited, Utility, H, Targeted 2

ALIAS 1’s Basic Attack is redirected to ALIAS 2.

Kafei’s Letter
Active, Unlimited, Instant, N, Targeted 1

Send a message of up to 1000 characters to target ALIAS. They will be informed it is not mechanically enforced.

Piece of Heart
Active, Unlimited, Low, B, Targeted 1

ALIAS regains 3 HP.

You win if you are one of the last 3 players alive.

And with that…

@Litten, playing as Nemesis, has survived and wins. He was:


Lelouch vi Brittania

11th prince of Brittania and siscon sociopath who really needed to learn to actually trust and let in those he was working in. Your boytoy wouldn’t work with you and you got salty about it, boohoo. He was an idiot who believed he could change the system from within rather than being changed by it. Not everyone is as much of a dumbass as him and you got betrayed at the end due to not being able to move past that + Ohgi falling in love with an amnesiac Purist of all things. Your suicidal endgame won’t work past the initial few years before crumbling. This is your one chance to go back and fix everything, but first you need to actually survive these trials.

Health: 10
Might: 3

Commanding the Gurren (Basic Attack)
Standard, Unlimited, Damaging, H, Targeted 1

Target ALIAS takes damage equal to your Might.

Lelouch vi Britannia commands you
Active, Unlimited, Low, H, Targeted 2

ALIAS 1 will be threatened to submit their Basic Attack on ALIAS 2 the next night, or take 3 strongman damage. If ALIAS 2 dies tonight, ALIAS 1 may shoot the dead alias to avoid taking 3 strongman damage. You are not considered to target or visit ALIAS 2 by other roles.

Cruel but Inevitable Betrayal
Active, Unlimited, Disruptive, B/H, Targeted 1

ALIAS is protected against 4 damage. All other protective abilities on ALIAS fail.

Rousing Speech
Active, Unlimited, Utility, B, Targeted 1

ALIAS’s Basic Attack or Active Abilities cannot be blocked, redirected, delayed, or altered.

You win if you are one of the last 3 players alive.

@Ruby, playing as Apple, has survived and wins. She was:




You are the archer Archer of Red, Huntress, Catgirl Atalanta. You are the Daughter of the King of Arcadia, unfortunately he wanted a son so you were abandoned in a forest like a surprising number of children in the fate series. Artemis the Goddess of the Hunt found you taking pity on you so she granted you divine protection in the form of a female bear that protected you until you were eventually found by a group of hunters. As a result of this you swore your loyalty and made a vow to the god. You learned to become a powerful huntress by watching these hunters as you grew up making you the strongest hunter in your group. Due to your vow to Artemis and connection to those who were abandoned in a similar way to you, you have a strong desire to defend small children. This desire is so strong that you are even willing to sacrifice yourself in order to achieve that goal.

Health: 10
Might: 3

Huntress’ Mark (Basic Attack)
Standard, Unlimited, Damaging, H, Targeted 1

Target ALIAS takes damage equal to your Might.

Crossing Arcadia
Active, Unlimited, Utility, B, Targeted 1

Target ALIAS’s Basic Attack cannot be blocked, redirected, delayed, or modified.

Active, Unlimited, Damaging, H, Targeted 1

Target ALIAS takes 2 damage.

Final Stand
Active, Unlimited, Utility, B, Targeted 1

Damage that would reduce ALIAS’s HP below 1 is protected against instead, up to a maximum of 5 additional protection. If this ability successfully saves your target from death, Tauropolos will instead do 3 damage the following night. If it does not, your target will heal 3 HP at Low priority. This ability cannot target the same ALIAS more than once, and cannot target the same ALIAS as Crossing Arcadia.

You win if you are one of the last 3 players alive.

@Aelin, playing as Sky, has survived and wins. She was:


Rufus Lore

A theatrical and honestly smug mage of the Sabertooth Guild, you are a master of memory-related abilities. Your control allows you to seamlessly copy magic you’ve witnessed, as well as combine these memories to perform more powerful attacks and forget opponents’ magic to avoid its effects. Your mastery over your abilities as well as general limited scruples make you a terrifying threat in battle.

Health: 10
Might: 3

Red Moon Falling (Basic Attack)
Standard, Unlimited, Damaging, H, Targeted 1

Target ALIAS takes damage equal to your Might.

Active, Unlimited, Instant, N, Targeted 1

Learn target ALIAS’s full role PM. This resolves at Low priority on Night 1.

Active, Unlimited, Varying, N

Choose a single Active, Unlimited ability you have learned from Memory-Make; you may use it as if it were your own tonight. Any actions the owner of that ability attempts to use on you during the following night will fail. You may not successfully use abilities from the same role PM twice, and you may not successfully use the same ability twice.

Active, Unlimited, Utility, B, Targeted 1

ALIAS is protected from 6 damage. You may only use this ability if there are no valid abilities to use for Recall.

Falling Stars
Active, Unlimited, Damaging, H, Targeted 1

ALIAS takes 3 damage. You may only use this ability if there are no valid abilities to use for Recall.

You win if you are one of the last 3 players alive.


Thank you all for playing!

The host sheet can be found here:

Spec chat can be found here:

all my friends are dead

I’m free

Sorry for all the mod errors


ty mist

anyway… my role was fucking busted as hell ^^

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not really
notice a major problem in end game was you had a lot of abilities
you could only use one
while other classes had syrnetgy with all of their abilities

oh yeah the mod errors i was aware of and remember:
-tons of wording stuff, most of it was caught while role pms were being sent, some wasn’t
-apprentice and atlas’s roles were misprocessed n3 - since they were just info roles and didn’t give/lose them much useful information, no compensation was given
-the whysper thing was pretty obvious
-ruby’s hp was incorrectly processed at one point, this was fixed when we caught it same night and didn’t end up having a game impact
-litten took 1 damage on n7 that he shouldn’t have taken because we forgot to put squirrel’s doc in, this was just noted as being incorrect and moved on from since it didn’t change anything
-lots of instant processing


hi i feel i owe everyone an apology- i was super excited to host and design this game but for a variety of reasons things just did not work out and i was barely able to help

i hope at the very least the small contributions i did make were appreciated- i very much liked the small number of roles i did make, but, you know, it’s been a busy time for me- I have a lot of paperwork to handle in regards to gender transition, i’ve been dealing with some pretty bad colds, and anxiety and depression have been mounting to an absurd degree

please extend all your thanks to the people who actually hosted this game, all of them did an absolutely fantastic job and i’m at least relieved that my complete dropping of the ball did not hurt things too much



I’ve been told you betrayed me

But overall this was pretty fun

Sherlock Holmes discombobulated people and thus I’m happy

i am proud of YBW and Apprentice’s roles, which had the most of my input, though


I probably should have attacked Ruby and have them attack tickles so magnus could have won

that wouldve broken the contract though

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was Ruby in it?

i.i. You may choose to disclose your actions, truthfully, to the Exalted One, or not at all.
i.i.i Lying to the Exalted One about your actions is grounds for forfeiture of this agreement.

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Yeah uh
I still would probably if I could go back

I felt like my closest allies tbis game was you squirrel magnus and Eevee
I didn’t really feel much connection to Ruby but I decided that since you wanted her to win I would try to help her

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