ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

would you sacrifice yourself for Hazard

Maybe? Like, I think he’s town.
But I think I can probably carry us 2 better.

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morning :musical_note:

true I’d rather you live over Hazard

hey y’all i just looked over icet’s iso and like

can we fail to kill them and hazard today? thx

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I agree with at least half of this.

Thought you were asking us to execute both of them today :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

Yes, use the genie’s wish so we can exe 2 people.

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Speaking of the genie, who tf had the wish and didn’t use it


Hazardwaste (3): Ashlyn, IcetFeelsPain, Corrupted_Dreamer
IcetFeelsPain (3): Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, Leafia
Corrupted_Dreamer (2): JakeTheWolfie, guavagudetama

Neither of the people on the CD wagon want to vote Icet, but two of the people on the Icet wagon don’t want Hazard to die
I’m just gonna leave that there as a statement with no call to action whatsoever

is there anything i could read from them that shows these points or is this just generally

Good to know that you don’ remember anything from Icy.

Yes they do.

This honestly feels like it’s trying to guide us to potentially misexe D3.

I’m a Leafeon. Not a cat.

How is it a slip of any kind?

Nevermind. Just looked at the OP.

Not even close and you know it. It was because I found you scummy. The fakeness of the townslip had less than nothing to do with my scumread on you.

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team is exactly Jake/Icet/Hazard/Guava

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I’ve said something similar today!

Also, I think the chances of Kiiruma/Hazard being w/w are pretty low right now. I don’t think Kiiruma would defend a wolfbuddy like this and I should know. I’ve wolved with him before and I can’t recall one game where he was a wolf and defended a wolfbuddy the way he defended Hazard.

Hazardwaste (3): Ashlyn, IcetFeelsPain, Corrupted_Dreamer
IcetFeelsPain (3): Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, Leafia
Corrupted_Dreamer (2): JakeTheWolfie, guavagudetama
Zone_Q11 (1): beancat
Leafia (1): Zone_Q11

Not Voting (1): Jaiden

I don’t mean to make myself sus…

But… me and Chleb in Insurgency FM?
I used my ability and then made it into a townread scenario for us both


…interesting opener

shitposting callout on Jake who has 0 votes at this point
not bad

honestly not a bad first thought to have at Arctic

I agree with this callout, although I do have the feeling it’s looking too deep
This is def towny tho

The more and more I’m on MU the more I get used to these kinds of drop reads that are somehow very confident
I’m not fully used to them yet

Again a towny attitude here, wanting easier reads and waiting for things to get clearer on scummmy slots


Yea I like this slot a lot
They’re a little too sure for my tastes but eh


mmmmm I don’t really like this one
This was the reason they wanted 2/4 of their reads dead

and uh
they don’t have anything else

TL;DR: I like their D1, but their d2 is kinda sketch how quick they pivoted from “oh kill shitposting slots” to “idk why yall killed no-voting eliza”

They seem busy but probably going to be helpful to have around one way or another

VOTE: Hazard