ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts šŸ¤“ <- katze

Ooooooooh bb!

I wished for 1 minor thing to change. Assuming it works, I should be able to win this game.

Note the phrase ā€œI should beā€, it will be relevant later.

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Iā€™m hoping this wish helps us get some sort of direction here


Iā€™m wondering, is there a reason why a Town aligned player doesnā€™t out what wish they used

I really donā€™t want to vote Leafia here @leafia can you defend yourself

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who do you wanna vote

VOTE: JakeTheWolfie

Alright, Iā€™m getting vibes like I did in Strategem that I mightā€™ve been wrong on Icet. Ehhhhā€¦

Ummm, I literally never said anyone was town Jaiden.

Wolfy as f vote here.

CD isnā€™t town here and Iā€™m going to finally show you that. VOTE: Corrupted

This is in response to Ice wolfreading someone is a wolf just because they want to lead the town, which implies that he thinks only wolves would want to run the town, which isnā€™t true at all.

All three wolves in Jaiden/Ice/Jake/CD.

Iā€™m nearly 100% certain of that.

I think I lowkey agree with these reads.
Leafiaā€™s probably town unless Leafiaā€™s playing me like a damn fiddle.

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How so?


You kind of did
Like, given the fact that youā€™re confused you obviously didnā€™t mean it like this but your question could imply that you think me and/or Kiiruma are town

From Hazard to CD to Hazard to CD to Icet to CD.

Voted Kiiruma and myself temporarily with no substance. Did not put Kiiruma and myself in her latest POE despite constantly complaining how ā€œvoting her immediately is NAGLā€.

I am sick of it.

6v3; 9 players. 4 in POE, 1 is herself. 4 not in POE; Zone, Kiiruma, beancat, guava. Best lies have truth mixed in, but this is Leafia so randomness is expected.

Kiiruma is her scumbuddy, but who is the third one? Not guava because content volume, so if her POE consists of 100% town, then beancat is the last scum.

From Icet to Jake.

Not counting the RVS on Ashlyn, the justified focus on Eliza, and the meme on myself, Kiirumaā€™s been pretty much tunneling Icet all this game until he recently shows focus at Jake.

Jakeā€™s been the focus of two of my scumreads. If this is scum theater, props to them. Until then: Heā€™s cleared by association.

Jake or Kiiruma

Focus on Hazard was among others initiated by Ashlyn, so I canā€™t fault Jaiden if sheā€™s town.

Leafia and Kiiruma are putting Icet in their POE; Icetā€™s cleared by association on top of D1 KISS vibes.

I have just done the same to Jake, so the only one left isā€¦ beancat. By (lack of) association.

Cool. My POE is [Leafia, Kiiruma, beancat].
My jobā€™s done. See yā€™all at EOD in 18 hours.

From Arctic to Hazard to Eliza to CD (temporarily) to Eliza/Hazard to Hazard.
Afterwards empty; no focus.

ā€¦god damn. Are you a hypocrite or something? Why does none of your vote look towny? Like, the most ā€œbenefit of the doubtā€ I can give you is the ā€œIDGAFā€ attitude on Eliza/Hazard.