ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

So basically you’re saying we’re currently not in a fairly neutral game. Ergo, if I were to receive the answer, then the game would have ended.

I heavily disagree on that decision considering Achro would still be anti-spewing and I would still need to erase other people’s doubt about how I am not faking a check,

But I guess it doesn’t really matter anymore.

Hey @Kiiruma, are you town?
If so, would you mind dying so we can skip waiting and go straight to post-game?

I am baffled at the idea the hosts denied a scan at mylo tbh

Of course we dont know if that was the actual wish or if zone is straight up lying.

Well, no. I guess–
Never mind. Even when Achro flips W, it doesn’t matter because people (i.e. Icet) would still say it’s anti-spew and scum theater.

So yeah, discussing with those two is a waste of time. If Kiiruma’s scum, then he deserves to win, but otherwise it’s just Achro/Icet.

What about my posts feels like anti spew iyo

Theres a lot of ‘i wouldnt mind losing to x’ energy in this thread and regardless of alignment it is disgusting.

Lets play to win and be earnest about it.

Like zone if you are scum come at me full force. You are being so soft right now. Oh maybe i should just vote my ‘town read’ and when he flips wolf teehee i will look good’

Bogus tbh

Try to get me mislynched today. End the game today. Dont try to look good for a final showdown.

Eh. You’re right. You’re not anti-spewing since you’re attacking Kiiruma and me in MYLO and not “one day before LYLO”.

The only way you’re anti-spewing is if you’re paired with Kiiruma, but at this point I’d give props to Kiiruma if it was him. Well done distancing and pushing Jake at D3. Not sure why he thought bussing and deepwolfing was a good idea, but it works.

Im just a boy

Who replaced into a game

Trying to solve it.

Kiiruma’s scum meta is literally trying to deep wolf


Wait wait wait

You literally hosted that game where kiiruma tried to deep wolf. You should 100% know this lol

Holy shit

@guavagudetama @Corrupted_Dreamer @IcetFeelsPain

Hi hello late night achro here

Zone is trying to act like kiiruma is this amazing deep wolf and theres like no way kiiruma would do this

He literally saw kiiruma hard bus mafia claim vig in a game he hosted

Holy shit do i feel useful right now.

No offense, but it’s hard to stay positive when CD doesn’t believe me and when my wish got denied. I suppose the only player whose reads have yet to be heard (or remembered) is @guavagudetama’s, but if he sides with CD/Icet/Achro, then the game’s practically over already. Hence why I’d rather just expedite the end by voting Kiiruma out.

Guava is currently voting kiiruma

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Why bother when I know you’re just going to win anyway? I’m not fighting against you. I have been one-sidedly fighting V/V against CD, except he can never lose and my words are white noise because they are too long to read.

I’m used to being ignored, but I’m also tired of being ignored. “Don’t try to look good?” What, do you think I -the one with the biggest notoriety among us for being a grudgeful player- would try to use AtE in MYLO, instead of “throwing” the game like I did in SFoL63 when I killed Kiiruma as the Duke?

The stigma is already on me. I won’t ever look good anymore, so why bother trying to look good?

But i am not scum lol

So if you are town i have made a mistake unpairing icet/kiiruma and you need to help me see it.

Yes. I know.
I know you and Icet are waiting for me to throw the game by voting Kiiruma.

But unlike SFoL63, I will “try” to be “polite”.
I don’t recall Kiiruma owing me a grudge, so this would instead be me owing him a grudge. Hence why I even bothered asking him whether he’s okay with just ending the game immediately.

Im pretty sure he is in his scum meta so if you are town genuinely thinking this ends the game this is hilarious to me ngl

But i have no idea why you think he isnt on his scum meta

Sorry. I don’t really see why I should help you out. You already made a read saying Icet/Kiiruma are not W/W. I don’t feel the need to change it.

Your hard defense on Jake is reasonable, but it just looks terrible compared to Kiiruma, who was pushing for Jake in D3 when nobody else did.

Yeah. He started the wagon. I don’t see why w!Kiiruma would bus Jake here when they still had their wish. They could’ve taken the Genie out, and just win immediately. If this doesn’t work, then they’d just have to mis-execute another town and win the game.

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(Well, not really. It was moreso that your “I was catching up, and the reasons to vote Jake out seems weak” posts are convincing.)
(Not voting Jake out is BS though, considering he has been pushing hard against CD.)