ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts šŸ¤“ <- katze

FTR, weā€™re still not in a ā€œfairly neutral gameā€.

ā€œSomethingā€ would have happened if I were to learn Kiirumaā€™s alignment, and whatever this ā€œsomethingā€ is, the hosts donā€™t want ā€œitā€ to happen.

Whatever it is, I still disagree on the call. Because todayā€™s MYLO; nobody can deny that. There is just no way we will vote [No Exe] when CD and Guava are confirmed town. So effectively, todayā€™s might as well be LYLO, and there is no benefit in delaying the inevitable with voting [No Exe] since Genie and Backup are dead.

Wish transfer was not allowed. Well, okay. I guess leaving everything over to a confirmed town is too town-sided. Fine. This is acceptable.

But why was the cop check on Kiiruma denied? Again: I still need to convince people I am not scum, and there is a non-zero odds that Achro can convince me that his read on Icet/Kiiruma being not W/W is wrong.

Wellā€¦ nah. Heā€™ll probably just say Iā€™m scum. I still donā€™t believe Achroā€™s town. Icet already said Iā€™m scum over Kiiruma. (Even though heā€™s had a change of mind recently for whatever reason.)
It wonā€™t surprise me if Achro -the one who knows me better than myself- would say that I am scum as well.

Now where was I? Oh yeah. I disagree on the call. Not giving me cop check makes no sense.

Damn. I miss the KISS days.
Why canā€™t we return to D1?

game is solved, vote achro

VOTE: Achromatic

I wasnā€™t until I realised thereā€™s like a 50/50 chance Zone is scum and lies about Kiirumaā€™s alignment

Iā€™m kinda being forced to side with them on account of thinking Kiiruma is scum
I still think Kiiruma/Icet has equity just as much as Kiiruma/Zone

Also CD is never scum simply because heā€™s never getting voted out
If heā€™s scum weā€™ve already lost so just assume heā€™s town


I feel like EVERYONE wants Kiiruma to die though which is my issue idk if scum busses here

Except Icet wanted Achro right? Or did I misremember

This is what Iā€™m going to look into today after the work I have to do (an indeterminate amount of time :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: but Iā€™ll be free in pst evening)

Wait, you donā€™t think itā€™s Icet/Kiiruma? What?

I think that Kiiruma is most likely to be a wolf out of the four of you but Iā€™m willing to take a risk on someone who isnā€™t Achro
Like I was already townreading Jaiden and Achro really hasnā€™t read to me as particularly scummy ā€” like yeah, he defended Jake, but so did I and Iā€™m confirmed town if you believe CD to be town
I know some people here think Iā€™m just stupid but I donā€™t think this is a smoking gun against Achro lol



I still think heā€™s town but
Hhhh I donā€™t remember you pushing Jake at all I hate my fucking memory
I should be taking notes

Do you think this is alignment indicative?

Given what I know of the two of you this seems right on the mark just based on your personalities in general

Putting a pin in this for later I might need it


@Zone_Q11 @Kiiruma Achro is L-1

Icet if you hammer this when weā€™re not even half way through the day I will literally never forgive you /lh


Achromatic (3): Zone_Q11, Kiiruma, Corrupted_Dreamer
Kiiruma (1): Achromatic

Not Voting (2): IcetFeelsPain, guavagudetama

ok so im confirmed not scum with Kiiruma and Zone

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take that

I donā€™t think itā€™s Icet / Kiiruma either

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besties now that Iā€™m not hammering do you have updated reads of any sort

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Yeah I no longer think itā€™s Icet/Kiiruma lmao


If these are the possible pairs I understand why Zoneā€™s wish would be denied

Though for some reason Achroā€™s partner could be voting him
Which I could see Zone doing :skull_and_crossbones:
And Kiiruma doesnā€™t exactly seem confident in his reads

But Icet is never not paired with Achro or he would have hammered him

bussing in MYLO makes sense if you arenā€™t able to get me / Zone / Kiiruma executed

Simon has too much thread control

This argument tracks for Kiiruma, but why wouldnā€™t Zone have just been on Kiirumaā€™s wagon with me and Achro pushing Icet/Kiiruma?

Iā€™d been pushing Icet for a good while this game.
Then I pushed Jake, starting the wagon on him when there wasnā€™t one.
Iā€™m the one advocating for us to follow up on it with the obvious wolf slot after this as well.

I was able to continue on with my thoughts but I didnā€™t.
I learned and adapted.