ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts šŸ¤“ <- katze

you keep latching onto this idea of CD/Achro being scum, but if CD is scum then Iā€™m also scum, unless for some ungodly reason he wanted two towns to get cleared
which I guess? but why does he kill Leafia as opposed to just pushing the two of us
like, he obviously thought the two of us were scum, or wanted others to believe it, and it probably would have worked
it just doesnā€™t make sense

well, ig CD can be scum without me
that still doesnā€™t make sense though

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I canā€™t really see the evil team being Jake, you and CD just because of Jakeā€™s interactions with yall.
Comparing them to Jakeā€™s interaction with Jaidenā€¦ itā€™s worlds apart.

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Anyway guava, please listen to me here.
I know that youā€™re gonna die, I know that you (reasonably) suspect both myself and Achro.
Just look to who got Jake out yesterday and who tried to avoid it happening.

Look to Jaidenā€™s and Jakeā€™s slot and consider whether anything points away from them being teamed.

yes because I didnā€™t read yesterday and wasnā€™t there
yes because bussing does not exist
I feel like weā€™ve already had this conversation

hhh Iā€™ll ISO Jaiden for Jaiden/Jake interactions

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We have but also itā€™s important to remember that it doesnā€™t really benefit the evil team there to bus.
Evil is 1 exe off winning.

Im biased due to rolecard but i think jake/jaiden both hopping on arctic to start the game is pretty unpairing from a neutral pov. Wolves dont tend to want to collect on people early.

Go jaiden go. Unpair yourself.

I will be asleep for most of the rest of the day. I would suggest you guys just go with what you think is best. If its me at least you will have a learning experience to grow from and to improve. Losing isnt a big deal as long as you did your best and can be proud of yourselves. Try to be kind to yourself and others. This is meant to be a game we play for fun and some people feel very pressed this game. Thats not how it should be.

That being said it was fun replacing in and i hope today isnt the end of my journey!


Thatā€™s a lovely message.

Unfortunately you still need to die because you unpaired Icet/Kiiruma, and forced me to be in your POE.

Like, the first one I donā€™t really care about.
Itā€™s the second one that warrants death.

Hmā€¦ So basically:

Zone: Achro/Icet
Achro: Zone/Kiiruma
Icet: Achro/Zone
Kiiruma: Achro/Icet

I am not counting in Kiirumaā€™s paranoia of CD, because there is no way Jakeā€™s been bussing CD for three consecutive days in the name of bussing.

So anyhow, it seems that we have one common denominator. Folks, letā€™s get this over with so we can enter the real endgame.

Achro, you did well, but uhā€¦ Yeah, no. You ainā€™t surviving today after what youā€™ve done yesterday.

ā€¦honest question though: I wonder whether Jaiden would have actually had better odds of surviving compared to you. Because I genuinely donā€™t remember what Jaiden has done.

ā€¦well, I probably wouldā€™ve pushed her because of her EOD1, but considering the wagons were V/V, I feel like itā€™s less compelling than your EOD3. Had Jaiden remained, then I probably wouldā€™ve pushed for her and Kiiruma.

ā€¦wait, why am I not pushing for Kiiruma again? Gah. Darn this small memory capacity.

Meh. I guess it had something to do with the fact that Icet is pushing me instead of Achro/Kiiruma, because Iā€™m pretty damn sure I had Icet/Kiiruma on the same level in my POE at some pointā€“

Oh. Right. Kiiruma was the one who started Jakeā€™s wagon. Yeah, that sounds about as towny as it goes. I wonder what Icet has done in the meantime. Iā€™m gonna check that out now.

Iā€™m pushing Achro / Kiiruma

Oh wait, so Icetā€¦

  • ā€¦knew about Mafia having a communal wish, which I didnā€™t know was a thing until today, when I re-read the OP.
  • ā€¦did start Jakeā€™s wagon, but then proceeded to unvote for some reason.

Wait, so both of you knew about it?

> There was a small wagon on Leafia by Jake and me.
> There was a vanity wagon on Kiiruma by Guava.
> Kiiruma voted Jake.
> Icet wants either Jake or Kiiruma dead, and proceeded to vote Jake over Kiiruma, who already had a vote on him.

This makes little sense to me if Icet is scum.

ā€¦okay, how did this turn into Achro/Zone/Jake? What made Kiiruma look better than me? :thinking:

This is weirdā€¦ Achro will still die today, but who the last mafia is, is still confusing. I might need to re-eval Kiiruma sooner than expected.

Fortunately, Achro already made the arguments as to why Kiiruma is scummy. Unfortunately, a major portion of those arguments involve meta knowledge.

Wait, if it is Achro/Kiiruma, then Achroā€™s basically scumreading Kiiruma and bringing up valid points to scumread him toā€“Heā€™s basically anti-spewing, right?

Iā€™m pushing achro and Kiiruma


Huhā€¦ D5 will be wild.

Because even if I switch my final POE slot to Kiiruma, ultimately the deciding votes still goes to CD and Guava.

Wait, no. One of us will die, and I bet itā€™s Guava.
Nobody cares about Guava (sorry Guava), but Iā€™m fairly certain CD will still go after me.

If Guava lives and CD dies, then uhā€¦ Iā€™d argue that Achro/Kiiruma are playing very risky, because I couldā€™ve sworn his POE is exactly Achro/Kiiruma. So basically, theyā€™d be forcing what happened to Kiiruma in S-27 onto Guava, except without locked votes.

Eh. If it is CD by some stupid miracle (because this implies that Jake has been tunneling his scumbuddy for days) then he hypothetically could have done it to gain your trust.

In the hypothetical world where CD is scum, you arenā€™t immediately confirmed scum by association. Itā€™s just that there would be less ā€œmechanicalā€ reason for everyone to believe you are town. (Which means youā€™d have to rely on good olā€™ social reasoning.)

For a split second, I did think whether w!CD wouldā€™ve wished something like ā€œdeny the next townā€™s wishā€, but that simply doesnā€™t hold up because it took hours for my wish to be processed; if w!CD did wish for my wish to be denied, then it wouldā€™ve been done immediately.

TL;DR youā€™re overthinking. CDā€™s town, and thereby youā€™re town as well.