ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

Oh wow. It really do be all about content volume.
…now this would’ve implied Achro is town, but the issue is that:

  • Achro is actively using the 2022 Best Scum Player;
  • Achro hard-defended Jake at EOD3 (I will never let this go); and
  • Half of Jaiden’s total posts were made at SOD1, and her actions afterwards have only been tunneling Hazard and being non-existent.

*squints eyes*
Damnit. I really don’t want to flip-flop between Icet and Kiiruma, but it’s hard not to do it. The posts I quoted is raising a red flag for Icet because despite being unwell, Jaiden’s first thought immediately went after Icet; she wants Icet alive for reasons unknown, and she voted Hazard over Icet.

I mean the bus theory I agree with, what made me feel like “shitpush moment” was when you said someone was scum for not having any solid scum or town reads

do not project, I don’t think you’re stupid, I just think you haven’t made full use of your god given brain in the previous days, but it’s not too late to change that

who has been L-1 today

I’m torn

Feel like kiiruma is just town but still don’t feel like losing to them

@guavagudetama let’s vote achro pls, if we lose we lose ig, I want kiiruma to die for poor play but sometimes I just have to accept poor play as a town trait, achro and icet/zone are out mafia unless it’s zone and kiiruma

but kiiruma seems town to me, and zone seems relatively towny

though zone seems to be playing victim this last day and idk if I really want to lose to someone who does that

wait, so to confirm, achro is the only one to have been L-1 today? I think kiiruma might have too but I can’t remember

Guava had hammer and is mechanically confirmed town

Only Achro

Only Achro, but he’s now back to L-2.

I’m not playing victim. I’m telling the facts; you still scumread me, which is why I keep complaining about it.

You can’t lose to me, because I am town. The only way you can lose is if you’re scum, but based on Jake’s vote history, that’s just improbable unless he’s crazy!

Oh, yeah. There’s that too.

So I guess Guava is just confirmed town based on social behavior, because -as I have mentioned in the post you quoted- his mechanical clear is dependent on CD’s alignment which -as I have mentioned in earlier posts- is just town based on Jake’s behavior.

wait zone you said it was me and achro but you would rather kill Kiiruma over achro

I said it was Achro and you.
Then I started doubting it is you because of the stuff I mentioned in P#3114.
Then I started thinking it is you again because of the stuff I mentioned in P#3121.

Again, I hate flip-flopping figuring out who the last scum is within you and Kiiruma, but it’s just hard not to do it.

I townread Kiiruma, but if there is a tie or if Kiiruma wants to choose death, then I will throw the game and vote him.

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I wonder if D5’s going to be [No Exe]. I think it shouldn’t be. Now that all Town PRs are dead, there is no way of stopping the faction kill, and we have established that Guava is cleared both mechanically and socially, so he will just die tonight at N4.

D5 will have CD in it for certain, and if we vote [No Exe], then CD will just die N5, leaving D6 with Icet/Kiiruma/Zone and a F3 LYLO. Votes are locked in LYLO, so… let’s not vote [No Exe] D5.

agreed! in f4 if you throw the game you cannot be blamed completely but in f3 you can