ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts šŸ¤“ <- katze

Even if we vote out Achro, we still need to convince CD itā€™s Icet at D5, and considering itā€™s CD, I have zero confidence he wouldnā€™t go after me.

Icet is now saying he wants you dead, but considering he made a wallpost on how scum needs to bus, I can bet my hair that he will use the same logic to switch his last suspect from you to me.

Itā€™s either that, or he will somehow convince CD to switch back from me to you. (By some miracle.)

Either way, D5 will be another tie because CD doesnā€™t backread, and Iā€™d much rather expedite the end than continue ā€œwaiting and seeingā€.

Well events and reads ay it is kii. Technically it could be Kii/cd in some hilarious world but the reasons for it being Kii (beyond circumstances of today) is he went over 2 days without questioning Jake despite saying Jake is a tough player to read. Thatā€™s a very unnatural thing to do when you are solving someone as town. If someone is hard to read, you poke them and ask them questions but Kiiruma never did that with jake until he suddenly started the wagon on him. Even that didnā€™t have really great reasoning beyond Jake BSing about a wish which from my neutral take I was just bewildered by. I didnā€™t think ā€˜oh wow Jake did something BS, obvious scumā€™ I thought ā€˜what the fuck is Jake doing?ā€™ so Kiiruma leaping to that conclusion after no solving for Jake AT ALL is kind of madness to me and indicates a bus.

Additionally him having Jake as suspect in both v icet worlds and w icet worlds is pretty glaring. He thinks someone is scum regardless of Icetā€™s flip but doesnt even think to interact with Jake at all for two days? Just completely not in the realm of what someone who is trying to solve a slot (read: town) will do.

Gut is for losers tbh.

I have you paired with Kiiruma because IceT isnt paired with Kiiruma (now we know that for sure due to votes today) so I guess you can try to sell me on scum CD lol.

Zone, itā€™s not over yet.
I think the obvious kills this game are guava tonight.
And then either you or me the night after if we decide that sleeping is the right move instead of voting.

I will try and convince CD with you.
Heck, even if we get a tie, itā€™s a 50% chance we win

Because a tie causes a rand to happen.

Oh, I know Achroā€™s scum. I know it the moment he keeps me in his POE despite knowing my town meta.

I am actively throwing by putting all the pressure on Guava. If we lose, he will get my blame.

In reality, people will yell at me for throwing.
But Guava will forever live with the guilt inside him, and nothing anyone else says will remove it from his mind. (Other than amnesia, but thatā€™s a separate matter.)

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Guava, just donā€™t bite when it comes to Zone. Keep your vote here and let me and Zone work this out in F4.


Oh Iā€™m not saying that we should vote no-exe D5.
Iā€™m saying itā€™s a possible consideration and that if we did it, Iā€™m fairly sure one of us dies because of today

achro is scum knowing your town meta
achro knows you omgus as town
suspects you anyway

I am so ready to say it is actually Zone and Kiiruma

It is not Achro and Zone as Zone can get a really easy win by pushing kiiruma here VOTE: Kiiruma

Kiirumas entire ISO is Simon and IceT are scum oh look they're alive in final 9 we're killing Jake now for no reason

Why do you think scum coordinate votes Iā€™m saying 2 Mafia were defending Hazard this actually has no relevance except Kiiruma saying Hazard was town but let them died compare to Need for Speed


also sick images for the other post but why exactly do I need to immediately place my vote in a MYLO situation

yes but like you unvoting still gives me no reason to vote them

before Zone yells at me I do not think it is Zone and Kiiruma

Nope. Never CD because Jakeā€™s spent his entire three in-game days worth of life tunneling CD.

Kewl. Send this to Icet. He needs it for D5.

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Yeah. I know it sucks to be in your position:

VOTE: Kiiruma


Will you maintain your vote until CD arrives,
or will you end the game and cause all of us to lose!?

why did Zone change

To maximize guilt-tripping.

Zoneā€™s gone chaos mode.
Icet please listen, Zoneā€¦ stop.

We can still win here in F4.

See this is what bussing looks like IceT.

This is peak performance.

Because unlike the mafia, town can only kill people by voting them out.
Therefore, with the exception of RVS and RT, townies always vote to kill.

Buddy, youā€™re begging a scum to not vote you. Iā€™m not sure why you even bother trying to talk to them.