ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze


Yes. Feel the towniness flow through me so that i feel unpartnered. You are almost there. So close.

why jake voting kiiruma is kiiruma mafia

What? I am not wrong.

We’re here to convince you why you should listen to us and why we are correct. This is simply what the gamestate has come down to.

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Because scum bus

Better question: why does town kii not solve for jake at all with jake having voted for him at one point.

Ctrl f jake in kii’s iso. Revel in the nothingness.

apparently you’re not even convinced because you’re voting Kiiruma right now

@Zone_Q11 now I feel it’s Achro + Zone

Achro is town

working out the rest

then its zone and kii

ironically that makes me doubt myself more than anything said this entire day :skull:

what does

Icet can you unvote for me :innocent: :dizzy:


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Zone voting Kiiruma

Possibly towncred, but otherwise you’re correct. It would not make sense. Towncred isn’t that good either when mafia could’ve just opted to (attempt) to sweep the game (i.e. winning with no scum executed).

So… If Jaiden’s towny and Jake voting Kiiruma makes no sense if Kiiruma is mafia, does that mean you think the scumteam is Icet/Zone?

Though eod jake’s vote was always on me iirc

If you want to look up anti spew in the dictionary it has a picture of zone tbh

Icet sitting over here being like ‘shit wait achro is going too hard on kii here hold up’ lol

It is ok friend. Let me carry