ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze


(this post is 100% an RT)

I will have my vengeance one day

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Full disclosure, I’d still have low WiM if I were to rand scum, but randing VT gives me less WiM because I simply don’t value VTs in general despite it being a “role of great importance” in mountainous setups.

I already deleted that game from my memory. :expressionless:

As Genie, I’d actually feel important. I can’t make wishes, but I sure as heck can choose who will get to ask the hosts to have their wish fulfilled.


I never cared for what you chose to do, if you choose to contribute good, if you choose not to then die, smh

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In other news
As far as I can tell I’m being voted because I said I wanted to play the game
So like
I’m gonna see if anyone is legit pushing this narrative and see if they’re pushing it in good faith (probably not)

My sole contribution for today (so far) is “death to Eliza, for she supported [No Exe], and that in itself deserves death”.

Dunno whether I will make more contributions, but I sure as heck hope more people interact with me like you are doing right now.

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let’s kill into one of these today

…? Did something happen to you and Sorcerers?

if eliza is genuinely ncing then yeah, idm killing her, canonically pretty bad player in the games I’ve played with them anyway

it’s a cruel world

p.s. i’ll spare you the effort by saying i am more or less pushing this narrative even though you’ve made it out to be a lot more reductive
and no, my “gotcha” was not an RT. i do think you are likely to be mafia and i do think the parallel is significant

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Sigh. I… wish I wasn’t here rn.
This feels unpleasant somewhat.

I’m not pushing it in bad faith

(I’m not mafia, just CE)

…Kiiruma, isn’t it around past midnight where you’re at right now? Why aren’t you asleep?


Chaotic Evil

Literally I have never heard of this

What’d you find mafia indicative about Icet’s entrance to the game?

Pray do tell why the other three are on your chopping block, for I have not properly read the thread.

You’ve played with me?