ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

most sane forum mafia player

i feel like i should probably be able to get something out of zone by now but i didn’t really
i like beancat’s analysis but i don’t think it warrants a vote

nothing much else has really changed
@Ashlyn why do you think i could be powerwolfing? i’m literally the 5th lowest poster

Don’t worry about it. Nobody has to worry about it. They’ll never suspect the crazy person is important, even if said crazy person is revealing his plans in the open. Their Occam’s razor compels them to never kill me! :ok_hand:

Another “Hazard wont be here for end of day. so time to get everything out now”
I’ll ISO the Bottom 5 posters and then ISO any other posters i would love a closer look at. Then i’ll sort out my reads.
You know, I have been expecting a bit more from leafia. but i wouldnt say minimal posts is really wolf like for her gameplay usually. she does however only really talk in ISO’s or massive reflection posts then ninja smoke bomb vanishes from existance.

town reads the people i town read. scum reads Ice which i don’t know if i am quiet there just yet.

Bean Cat!

Tbh Same but i dont think i am gonna get to that point XD. Chaotic wishes are the best type of wishes

Ok. Jumps right at quava for having no scum in their read list. not gonna say its a bad accusation but like its day 1. its not gonna be the worst thing in the world for people to not have any scum reads.

… Huh

i think is defintly visible that beancat and Quava are not w/w. but this whole post there is 6/7 post that involve quava accusing Kiiruma. i know quava said more stuff besides from talking about kiiruma. idk has a bad feeling in my stomach. bean maybe trying to soft defend kiiruma or i could hundred percent be overthinking myself. but i gotta learn from my past and put fucking everything out there.

Loves to stand by kiiruma. W/W possibility but i do sorta trust kiiruma. which is very confusing to me at the moment. (Uh oh said the C word please dont smite me IceT)

Tad small push on Eliza. nothing fully to note with this one…

We technically have two. but i get what you mean from this post. out VT is weird but it could be a play.

All in all. Bean cat is doing either one of two things. ONE: Being a scum trying to get allyship/defending of kiiruma. or TWO: being a very good town who i read to deep on cause my gut hates me.

Sorry dude you gotta read. or you are gonna be more lost then a map drenched in rain water. the take on arctic tho is interesting and something i will look into later.

Thats just jake. and we love him for it.

Ight man. This is weird. you kind of said this out of the blue no one at this current time had any suspicions on you. so its weird to just blurt that out with no foreseeable reason, if you do have one tho would love to hear it.

Thats a cool take. and it does make a little sense honestly. but it may be too much of digging for a needle in a haystack. i do agree with you tho. close eye’s shall be maintained.

No they arent XD

Damn shame on me for defending myself. I should go be trialled for being a witch at the stake. but i will admit at this time i was being way to argumentative and i put that u p to it being 8 am in the morning. very on me.

Hate that way of wording it especially as someone who has issues with confidence but again get where your coming from. but that was literally why i was being accused. and then i was being accused again for defending myself. (i will also put here it didnt sound like at this point you were adding anything new. just backing up someones info and repetaing them like a parrot. dont really like that type of play but it was for fair reason i guess)

There you go!

WOOHOO! that is me! trying and failing is my motto :sunglasses:

i dont like corrupted trying to narrow others voting on just the four people. feels way to much as secretly and confidentally trying to push people into voting away from scum.

Defending myself… is scum behaviour? writes down: Don’t defend yourself… let it happen Ok cool thanks for the tip

Eliza… Nothing I dont think there is any one quote to really talk about which is really bad. their reads are not really even there. she is worse then me with how much info she is giving out. Eliza i will be asleep but you gotta do something mate. counting on you.

And finally for the bottom 5 arctic.

Lot of talking to say “Lol i think i was wrong, Jaiden is fine” But i dont scum read this.

Fair shout even tho i hate the whole “he spoke weird” accusation i dont reckon this is a scum trying to vote out a town. it does feel a bit uneasy the thing kiiruma said i will agree on that.

Never said in that sentence “I wont do any social” i just said i am fucking awful at it XD i know i am bad at it. i sign up to these games to have fun and talk to people and get better. practice makes perfect my man.

Hey!!! we had the same read on two different people. but I do believe they were mentioning people thought we were aligned cause we were chatting with each other weirdly

doesnt like eliza’s post and writes a massive paragraph on it then goes to someone else. feels like way to much effort for a scum to write that much just to go to someone else straight after.

:popcorn: i am honestly trying my hardest here mate XD

Ooop never mind went straight back to eliza the next day. forget my other comment on this. but i still dont think this is scummy accusation cause i follow these reads myself. nothing i can say i hate about them

yep… i am honestly in a weird potition never being a groupscum before i cant really show people how i usually act in those type of situations. i will say i usually poke fun at myself and agree with peoples accusations when i am both scum and town cause most the time it allows the player to talk more about their thoughts on it and maybe change their mind. but i think the way i did it this game was a bit too “openly jokingly”

As i said before mate. your doing awesome. i think you are gonna be a strong asset. full faith (unless your scum then go do something not nice loser/j)

told me to back off and stop the arguement which instantly made me town read them. a scum would have let me keep going and let me dig a deeper and deeper whole for myself.

That was a lot of typing… imma take a hand break but atm i feel comfortable with this
VOTE: Eliza

Good luck to anyone going to read all that. sorry about the big wall… i do my best and keep more focused when i just have one coherant thought

Ya, I ain’t going to read all that.
Though, how the heck did you miss me–
*sees that I am actually outside bottom five*
…huh. I must have fluffposted too much.

So anyhow, why did you make three reads on [anyone but Eliza] and the proceed to vote [Eliza]?

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I was gonna say “clearly you didnt read” but then i realised you did say that XD. cause there was nothing of substance i could talk about in any of eliza’s messages. they were either fluff or one sentence answers to minimal things. i just couldnt find anything that made me happy to even at least null read em.


i mean. i dont have any sus on you to iso you specifically… but i can if you really want me to

Anywho bed time for me in a bit so.
Town lean

Zone flip flops between null and town but is currently in town


Scum lean

Now i gotta go to sleep. See you in a day. Or maybe not i could be killed

Oh. Apparently you made four reads but never quoted Leafia for some reason. So this is even worse. You said you would ISO the bottom five posters, talked about Leafia, quoted a bunch of posts of the other three, and placed your vote on Eliza whom–

“Sir. You might want to check this out.”

…okay, never mind. You did it for Eliza as well.
So basically you were wallquoting three people, made a paragraph for the other two, and proceeded to vote one of the latter.

–which has the consequence of putting Eliza at top wagon. You also said you won’t be available at EOD, so this is not a vote to pressure, but a vote to kill.

The issue I am having with this vote is your reason to vote Eliza (or rather, the lack of it). You compared yourself with her ("she is worse then me with how much info she is giving out") despite this being irrelevant; I don’t recall you being today’s top wagon, and the only one who’s currently voting you is Ashlyn.

You didn’t exactly explain why Eliza is the better option compared to -let’s say- Corrupted Dreams, whose post at P#708 you dislike because it “narrows down today’s chopping block”. (That isn’t what you said, but it’s close enough.)

Off topic

I spent a couple minutes trying to find someone who has had the same sentiment as you whenever it comes to CD. I thought it was Ashlyn, but I couldn’t find anything. Maybe I was misremembering Jake’s post or something.

Jaiden’s in the game?
*checks player list*
Wow. She actually is.

@Jaiden, get over here! We need to talk more together, because I have literally seen everyone but you! (Unless I completely erased all memories of you in this game, but I doubt it.)

I don’t like this at all. All scummy people are here. Arctic and I townread CD, but I sure as hell can bet Jake doesn’t. Icet is fine by me too, but again: I’m pretty sure not everyone townreads the guy as much as I do.

  • Kiiruma’s been AFK because mental instability.
  • Jake’s background noise.
  • Leafia-- wait, I think Leafia’s chill? I think I mistook her for Eliza. What has Leafia done again? 11 Posts. Probably slanking this game then. Not worth my attention.
  • Guava is currently second wagon.

i’ve got nothing out of these last posts tbh
kinda raised my eyebrow at the eliza vote given how much more hazard spoke about corrupted, but i suspect regardless of alignment there’s an element of self-pres on eliza so it’s probably not indicative of much

EOD is at 10 PM. It is currently 2:30 PM. I wonder if Hazard wakes up in 7 hours so he can join EOD? Is it even worth it for him? Is he actually gone for the remainder of the day? Well this sucks; I can’t interact with him anymore today–or perhaps for the remainder of this game if I die tonight. Who knows, maybe the mafia will think of me as a nice chatterbox; maybe they will kill me for being a chatterbox. Wouldn’t they kill CD if they don’t like chatterboxes though? Nah, CD is perfact scapegoat, just like me. Jake’s read on him proves it.

If Hazard is scum, what is he trying to do here? He is pushing Eliza and by extension saving guava. Considering his readslist it makes sense, but the reasoning / argument given in P#864 is so bad because it doesn’t explain why Eliza is scummier than CD. Especially when he actually gave a proper quote-and-reason to “not townread” CD (because Hazard still puts CD in null for whatever reason) and only said “Eliza only posts fluff” which is nowhere near as “heavy” (or I guess “scummy”) as CD’s post of narrowing down today’s chopping block.

In the CD post that Hazard quoted, CD wanted to kill one within [Jake, Hazard, Guava, Zone]. Why does Hazard not retaliate to this? Why does Hazard put CD in the null for this? Arctic and I understand that CD’s behavior is actually towny despite him being very gung-ho, but Hazard doesn’t show whether he knows (like Arctic and I) or not (like Jake). As town, why would you put someone like CD in null? Is it because he can’t read CD? But then why bother mentioning CD in–actually, what does Hazard even say about CD?

Quick read

> CD: Plz give summary. Also, Arctic scummy.
> Hazard: lolnope. Go read yourself. Also, interesting take. I’ll look into it.

> CD: “Reason why to vote Jake”
> Hazard: Nah, that’s just Jake.
> (Zone: Yep. That’s indeed just Jake.)

> CD: “Some gibberish about Icet”
> Hazard: Why did you say that?

> CD: “Reason to scumread Arctic”
> Hazard: Hedging; “cool take”, “makes sense”, “maybe too much”, “i do agree tho”

Unimportant interaction.

Flip-flopping to AtE; “shame on me (sarcasm)”, “but i admit”, “very on me”

Goddamn, there is a lot of hedging.

  • “Hate that […] but again (I) get where you(’)r(e) coming from”
  • “you were (not) adding anything new […] but it was for fair reason i guess”.

What the heck is this “I hate what you do but I tolerate it” nonsense?

Agreeing on their reads on Ashlyn.

Self-appreciation by recognizing other people’s praise. Fluff, but I guess good for mental well-being. NAI.

This is the part of the quote that caught my eye and triggered me. Unlike the posts above where “I don’t agree with you, but I tolerate you” nonsense, this part is full-on “I don’t like it and it feels scummy”. So again: How the heck did Hazard not put CD outside null? Why the heck is CD still inside null? Why is Eliza scummier than CD from Hazard’s POV?

Dunno what this self-deprecating / sarcastic AtE nonsense this is, but it is NAI for me. Maybe someone else can make a read out of it.


Disagree on Jake.
More hedge.
Agree on Ashlyn.
The reason why I even bother making this post, i.e. “I don’t like what CD is doing”.

Okay, Hazard does have a lot of hedging. There were at least two instances of him basically saying “I don’t agree with your take, but I can accept it”.

Yet what caught my attention is his second-last post–
The context says nothing. Why does Hazard put CD in null?
Would town!Hazard put CD in null despite everything he has said about CD?
Why is Eliza scummier than CD? Why does Hazard not quote Eliza’s posts?

I dunno man. I don’t understand Hazard, so I want him dead.

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Update: It is currently 3:20 PM. I have spent 50 minutes making that post. I have yet to eat brunch, so I’ll just… do that now.

Mmn. Yep. I want guava dead.
If guava flips scum, I want Hazard dead as well.

yeah, i can kinda see what you’re getting at in this post

i did say that realistically the vote on eliza may be because corrupted only has 1 vote, but hazard did also make a readslist afterwards where corrupted was null which felt a bit wrong given what you’ve pointed out. still i doubt the vote itself is really AI just from wagon viability point of view

why guava? i think i’ve been townreading him too easily but i still liked some of his earlier posts and haven’t really found any red flags in comparison to eliza/hazard/kiiruma

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@Arctic, I have not seen Jaiden all game and I am not planning on backreading. (That’s a lie. I probably will “soon” i.e. a couple hours before EOD or whenever I am bored.)

What are your thoughts on her?

she hasn’t posted for a while, i remember thinking she was town but i can’t really remember why. i guess initially it was because she had quite high energy and i liked how she was pointed out that she felt awkward because i don’t think a wolf would want to draw attention to the fact

nothing has really concerned me. she’s just felt like someone naturally going through the thread and playing by discovery. i think my townread should be more of a townlean because her iso isn’t as great as i remembered, after taking a skim. her reads line up pretty well with mine, so we’ll see how that ages based on flips

…so you’re saying that if CD has more traction, Hazard would’ve gone after CD over Eliza?
(As you have mentioned, that still doesn’t make sense considering his readslist…)

Wagon viability… We need more votes on CD? No. It’s too late for that at this stage. Hazard’s already asleep and there’s no telling when he comes back. (I ain’t putting effort in a CFD to my townread for a reaction test.)

I suppose “everything starting from this post”: