ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

Is this your first time playing Mafia?

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they play turbo mafia with me where mafia does not have day chat

I don’t care. :smile:
I only want your thoughts on the status quo.

Give more arguments, and also give reasons why Icet should die over people like Eliza, guava, CD, Arctic, etc.

We are 2 hours away from EOD, so this is very late timing if you are planning to RT Icet.

honestly i thought that response was more in line with town kiiruma

this forum needs a terminology guide


Guava!!! Stop lurking!

Just figure it out on context clues :crazy_face: :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

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Guava help me what does RT mean

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I have literally nothing to add to the discussion
Like, “guys don’t kill me :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:” isn’t exactly helpful
I could try to cfd CD again but is that really gonna go anywhere?

I mean I’ve explained a bit already why.
I individually scumread Icet whereas Eliza is more of a null read.

I think Ws are coasting atm and not under fire.

Also I’m currently on mobile and still missed where the wolves had their wish granted. So I’ve not exactly read everything I guess

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“arctic post #X is weird”

“arctic could be powerwolfing with CD”

now instead of trying to ask me about something to try remedy your concerns with my slot - whether it be gauging my mindset on specific posts or something else, your next post was instead “whatever it’s fine i don’t want to kill him today”. it doesn’t feel like your concerns with me are real, to be frank

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Based on this?
It probably means execute you/push you

Hm… Is that so? Very well. In that case, I shall prioritize other people today.

Eliza w → Kiiruma w
Guava w → Hazard w

Guava was questioning Hazard as well, so if they’re W/W, then that was distancing.
(I wonder why I can’t just… go straight after Hazard.)

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Cuz Kiiruma was saying you aren’t clear in what Zone was replying to

this is blatantly incorrect
i literally directly asked you if you had opinions and you said no
what am i supposed to do, force you to make them? like… there’s only so much i can do with someone who isnt playing the game normally and i dont know why


Reaction Test.

Where someone says something not necessarily because they read a player in a particular way but they wanna test what the player would say and how they would react to it.

E.G. “I have a redcheck on you. Defend yourself wolf.”



do you get that, arctic?
you sound wrong wrong wrong and i’m trying to figure out why you feel like you’re miserable in thread and you gave me nothing and now you’re upset that i didn’t get anything from it

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Reaction Test. Basically putting you under pressure and seeing how you behave.

Not under my watch, but I think you can get Ashlyn and maybe Hazard if he wakes up soon.

i don’t want to vote cd, in case that’s what you’re thinking

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