ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

So meme is a fair reason. Being alseep for end of day so placing a vote isnt? Mate you are trying to make me sound scummy but all your doing is hitting yourself.

Look there is no way in hell i am gonna convince you to hop off me. So in my eyes theres no use in my trying. I am going to flip town so please start thinking about worlds where i am not evil

If you dont then town is as good as gone. I know i fucked it the first day. I got over stressed and panicked. I know most of this town is filled with amazing players so you all have this in the bag. Even with a few town down. Just if you do execute me and i do reveal town. Make sure to not give up there and then

I was very afraid of arctic

Hey hazard can you post a read list with a reason why everyone is everywhere in order in case you flip scum

Yeah sure.

Completely unrelated, what’s with the markdown text? Like what are you using it for?

VC will be fixed in a sec, sorry about the delay I had been busy

Town lean:
Ashlyn : Seemed to be actively trying to help town and looked correctly annoyed when people seemed to be all over the place early in the game.
Jaiden: Had a real good early game where i felt comfortable with her and she seemed actively motivated. has kinda flopped back a bit but nothing that pushed her to null straight away

Kiiruma: Its public knowledge i am at the bottom at alot of peoples read list with the 4 votes on me yesterday. so it confuses me why someone would try to still defend me if they were scum. it would just put them in a worse place.

Leafia: Hasnt said much this game. usually when leafia is scum she puts her fucking arse into it. this game she seems more chill and more layed back. but still has shared info and effort

Jake: Jake being Jake. has said the same amount he usually does. but its in character for him

Quava: Seems to ally themselves with a lot of people. and usually flows with the larger group of people. but i havent seen anything she has said that labels him instantly as scum

Corrupted: Again never played with him. has said alot of things i hate but in a rude way rather then a gameplay standard. dont know if thats just his personality but he is comfy in the bottom of the null

Lean scum:

Beancat: Gut feelings suck but i havent seen anything from them that has moved them to null for me just yet.

New addition iceT: Don’t Know he just feels uncomfortable to me this game. i have never been in a game where he has drilled so hard into me in clocktower or forum. its an unusual play style i have never seen from him.

New addition Zone: From someone who looked like he was actively trying at every possible moment he has dropped hard. he seemed to have dropped all his social work and all his connection just to have a " This dude who is new the forum mafia has bad reads. must be evil" then proceeded to criticise me on my vote for eliza while he also had voted for eliza and then his reason was “For a meme”.

cause he was trying to be funny mimicking words i spoke. in short being rude for some reason

Hazardwaste (3): Zone_Q11, IcetFeelsPain, Jaiden
Zone_Q11 (1): beancat
Jaiden (1): JakeTheWolfie

Not Voting (6): Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, Leafia, Ashlyn, guavagudetama, Corrupted_Dreamer

VC should be fixed now, thank you for your patience!



TMI you flip town, gets you in their pocket, makes them look good for defending you when you die town

Wouldn’t this be TR then

Weren’t they a SR last time what brought them up

Leafia is null cause i havent got enough info on them to fully town read em. Never put corrupted in scum

True. I guess

If you have enough info to put me in scum for tunneling you you have enough info to put Leafia in town

Difference of play styles

I can see me zone as a scum team tho and I’m pretty sure guava killed Arctic last night VOTE: Guava

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Thats a fair shout. Its why i put them higher on null

No but unironically I had a feeling they were town backup and that’s why it seemed like they wanted to play more than normal
But people thought that was a scumtell as opposed to a pr tell which I understand

I feel like there’s a counterargument to this in relation to timezones + Eliza being busy irl but I don’t know how to phrase it in a way that doesn’t sound like I’m saying it’s Eliza’s fault that she was being scumread by Hazard for being inactive when she was literally in class for most of the day

Being asleep :no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign: scumlock
For the memes :white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark: 100% townie

Oh I’m late

Wait that’s a good point
Should probably reevaluate my Kiiruma read
Especially because I don’t remember what made me suspicious in the first place :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

It’s the training from survivor and big brother games

I don’t agree with this read
Maybe I’m projecting, but I do this thing sometimes where people are pushing me and then I’m like “oh so you’re scum then” (training from games like Deceit) when I don’t have anything outside of their push to suggest that they’re scum and that’s what this feels like

That’s what Zone’s whole argument is about
Hazard talked about CD like they were a scumread, but put him in null

Why would I have killed Arctic

Sorry for making a wall post every few hours and disappearing
I saw the mario movie
It was really good
Like, way better than it had any right to be
Peach is my new favourite mario character because of this movie

i exist
i absorbed pretty much nothing while reading up? sorry. i was multitasking and the other task was much more enjoyable.