ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

CD could have the wish
He hasn’t spoken yet today


It is like when you are scum and you tunnel on a sus player and believe you look townie when you push them.

And then you realize they actually dont look that scummy and a normal town player wouldve figured it out

They actually make sense to me and their reads are like mines

as my opening to this day I’d like to apologise to anyone I’ve been rude or disrespectful towards, I like to be a straightforward guy and will continue to do so but I recognize it doesn’t have to go overboard like that. hope we can have a nice fun game of mafia.


do u have the wish

that said I want explanations from those who voted eliza at the end of the day there, we had a clear cut plan and you guys just heavily undermined it and got a power role killed in the process, is there any valid reason behind it beyond just being mafia that covered for hazard

I think we vote hazard today and then investigate the others that late voted on eliza

i first read this as mines like the explosive device and spent about a minute and a half puzzling over what the fuck it meant

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Hi. Out of Hazard/Eliza, Eliza was more scummy. Further, I didn’t have any other strong opinions about who should die, apart from you.

remind me why you want me dead again?

The Eliza voters :scream::scream::scream:
Stares at Arctic on this list

For you wanting me dead because of how I post

Also, eliza’s scumminess was subjective, from my pov, they weren’t scummy at all, they just put themself in a bad situation by no voting and not really adding any valuable input

I did say that eliza was fine. The only reason I went for them is that they were one of the main wagons, and you weren’t.

Were you at EoD?

(Genuine question I don’t remember)

I think so, yeah.

Okay, then why was Eliza your vote over Hazard