ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

And we already lost our backup so if we vote for the genie, then… we outright lose the mechanical side of the game :sob:

I mean, I could say what I said as either genie or not.
Also thanks for calling me and Hazard town. Gottem

You know what I meant :sob::sob: but also at the moment I do think you’re town
If CD flips town… that’s a different story

VOTE: IcetFeelsPain

All this talk about CD, not enough talk about Icet.
Why is this wolf allowed to be able to continue?
Yes, I do scumread CD. But like, I still prefer this as I’m more confident on this

i have no memory of posting this at all goodjob :+1:

Why are you never scum!

Why did you have to rand scum this game

That’s not a serious question I’ll formulate a real response in a sec

Last time I was scum on Forum of Lies I fucking knocked it out of the god damn park


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Okay so like
Who do you think is going to vote with you on this

Uhhhh those who realise that the wagon could potentially be wrong by reeval’ing their main suspect among the 2 and then thinking “Huh? Where should I go instead?”

Also those who scumread Icet (Which is atm nobody, but like, reevaling is a thing. And it’s a thing we’re gonna need if we have a chance to win)


What does Icet flipping scum tell you?

The main issue is lack of playing mafia, a degenerative disease which has curen’t

i mean you have been in the all 5 of my games in this forum

I am always town :+1:

Jake you are legally allowed to tell me if you are scum or not. right here right now.

I wish I was scum :pensive:

Literally me
I have never randed scum in fm and it’s so :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones: LET ME BE SCUM!

I wanna kill people but I CAN’T!