ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

this has been a mind scratch ever since the first day of an alliance between kiiruma and beancat. and is why kiiruma is on a tightrope tbh. bean has done alot of soft defending kiiruma and kiiruma i dont think has mention bean once

only post kiiruma discusses bean where he is told to put a group of 5 people into an evil team with eliza… i dont think this is helping me vote

It really doesn’t.
I explained quite well about how we don’t really have many executions left.
And then after I do so, guava reacts by saying that you and me are W/W and votes for you and then me?

I pointed out something that’s perfectly reasonable and also (hopefully) gets us to that point where we do some serious reconsideration before doing anything today.

hey didnt say i agreed with it. i just said from that discussion them going for me cause you defended for me was weird

Fair enough I guess.
But still I think this just seems like guava is veering from their original course instead to…

Exe me, then probably tomorrow exe CD or Icet (Depending on which of them is not on their scumteam)

:P Ok. i think the only two people i have actively had large talks to today have said after my death they want to kill iceT or CD if i am town. Of course i would want to skip myself and vote the next person people are planning to vote if I am not scum. cause if they die scum then there will not be a lot of a reason to execute me anymore. and I said at the beginning of this day. that my vote was going on iceT and i have not had anything telling me that it was changing. and I got to sleep. so sorry if I fucked up again but


This game is giving me “My first game here” and i despise it. goodnight! and i am ready for people to flail me in my sleep. if i am not alive after today. Town you fucking have this. i know i may not be that strong of a player so its not a big loss for you guys, just use my death as evidence. i have had so many interactions with people so please work off them. thankyou


Hazard you understand that if you’re Town people want to kill me and CD which is why we want to kill you right?

you make posts like this and expect me to not agree with hazard?

I want Hazard dead

It can go with your support or not

IDK what you want me to say.

If Me and Simon are Town, Hazard is Mafia. If Hazard is Town, me and Simon likely have a Mafia.

Leafia goes from top of Null to Scum lean even worst then Simon

You mentioned Zone not on your scum lean but didn’t mention Leafia

This is the only time you mentioned Leafia from your previous readlist.

Did this statement convince you that much that Leafia is Mafia?

I’m not sure it can go without support from people like Ashlyn.
Currently there’s no main wagon, Hazard could end up dying.
But it’s nowhere near guaranteed or even likely.

I can honestly see him doing this as either alignment simply because you’re friends (look at me, Scoot and Merpy in Eliza’s GI game) :skull_and_crossbones: So actually that probably means nothing

Literally what is happening

Literally how is Icet wrong

Hazard and CD were (are? idr) top wagons
Hazard swapped vote to Icet from CD
It’s only logical to be voting Hazard unless you were townreading them prior which he wasn’t

Good meowning
It’s a new day and with a fresh mind I think that I shouldn’t be voting Kiiruma I was just frustrated


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i misread this and was very confused

He’s far from an obvious town Zone.

Town has won the last 4-5 games in a row.

I’m not nobody Kiiruma.

I’m lowkey starting to townlean Kiiruma very slightly. Your disagreement with him feels tvt slightly and I can honestly understand his concerns. Starting to rethink CD a bit too athough I still GTH think he’s scum. Kiiruma might actually be right about Ice being a better execution for today.


Leefee. I like that nickname for me. ^_^ It’s cute. I love cute.

I lowkey agree with Hazard here. Hazard/Kiiruma probably not w/w.

Getting slightly villagery vibes from Hazard right now too.

VOTE: Corrupted_Dreamer

good morning

how kind of you to show up, beancat. were you planning on doing anything today, by any chance?

am trying to read CD rn
mostly distracted by course registration not working