ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

ice has scum equity and sheds light on kiiruma’s slot, but not really on hazard’s…

trying to think if im against this or not.

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Going to head back out for RL by now. :sleepingleafeon:

I’m personally all for it, I love light being shed on my slot here :smiley:

you do understand that if icet is town i plan on killing you over hazard, yes?

I mean, it could cause us to lose.
But I want to be confident.

I’ve been trying to have Icet die for days, I just hope I’m right.

i return

why is icet scum again. i dont remember anything scummy from them
i feel like i asked this already but i dont remember getting a response

confident and hope don’t really go together

Why does t!Icet = w!Kiiruma

general disinterest in the d1 wagons
voted hazard seemingly to spite kiiruma? not really sure.
they also havent seemed to care too much about solving except for what i feel is a bad faith push on hazard


Did I even have a reason for that though

Like ong I remember putting that chart together but I don’t remember why I said one of you was scum :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

i think they’re T/T or T/W
i dont think they’re W/W
i think hazard, kiiruma, icet has at least 1 scum, but no more than 2
i think if icet dies and is town here that implies that kii’s push on them was bad faith
depending on how hazard plays they could still be town or scum
my preferred order would be hazard first, because w!hazard implies w!kiiruma (but not for certain) while t!hazard implies w!icet
w/w hazard/icet is still possible but im not certain how likely it is anymore

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Also the game has developed since then but that’s not relevant apparently
Also I was asking why Ashlyn thought that but that’s not relevant either ofc ofc

you know, if you really think about it, there are four catboys in this picture


wait omg there’s 5

guava is a catboy
leafia + zone is a cat + a boy
arctic has a cat in his pfp - cat boy
beancat is next to hazard, which is a cat and a boy
then icet and kiiruma have been paired, which makes that a cat/boy pair


So Hazard/Kiiruma/Icet is not the scum team…
Is this because you have someone else in mind?

its because kiiruma doesnt choose to push icet over hazard if they’re W/W/W

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He does if he’s like “but Hazard is my friend :pleading_face::pleading_face:” /j

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