Face Your Fears (BOTC) - [2/9] - Evil Wins

Would anyone like to whisper? Just to discuss strategy or something lol I dunno. Don’t have much to say atm.

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@May breaking whisper.
Just realised we hadn’t done so because I was sleeping and then doing some work.
If you wanna whisper later about more info you can do so

So based on demon discussion, Gertrude seems more likely than the others.
But it’s not really possible to rule any demons out unless we specifically kill into the worlds where those can exist.

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Could you go into more detail?

/whisper nuto
I liked our last whisper

Good morning.

Did you reach the same conclusion I did independently with May, or are you just stating agreement?

Pigeon and Nuto aren’t evil-paired. If they were, they would’ve communicated everything together yesterday and there would be no need to message one another again. With that said, I don’t really see a villager motivation for this.

Who else is awake (and alert) at present?

I’m lurking

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I’m around and can whisper but I will be very slow to whisper so I wouldn’t reccomend it right now

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Noted. I’m happy to leave a slot open.

Actually, @Mistyx is the item you get to give away randomized or picked by you?

Actually wait- I see now

My memory is terrible


Anybody want to whisper

Do you have anything to declare yet, Bionic?

i have a noble ping

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I love fabricated noble pings. Who would your targets have been?

hmm ill share beacuse i have like no messages

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Me and my neighbors, my good role is the end

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